Treatment of male pattern baldness at home

Alopecia is a visually significant appearance defect that spoils the mood and appearance of men. Consequently, the treatment of alopecia (alopecia) is relevant to the male half of mankind. And the most effective way to solve this problem will be a combined approach — treatment by a specialist and independent hair care at home using balm and cosmetics.

Causes of alopecia in men

Male pattern baldness is often associated with certain disorders in the body. If the treatment regimen includes only cosmetics, the result of combating alopecia is unlikely to be satisfactory. In alopecia it is important to diagnose the causes that lead to male pattern baldness. A competent alopecia treatment plan includes, first of all, the solution of health problems, and care products, drugs to stimulate hair growth, aimed against alopecia, are auxiliary. But they are also very important, and their choice should be entrusted to a specialist. Fighting baldness on its own can be ineffective, and will also lead to a waste of time, and the moment for a better start in the fight against baldness will be lost. It is not always possible to determine the causes of male pattern baldness. If the cause of alopecia is not known,
With male pattern baldness, the volume of hair in men decreases noticeably every day, with time bald patches appear, areas of skin are covered with thin sparse hairs, and then completely hairless.

Here are some recommendations to help treat male pattern baldness at home.
The first thing to pay attention to is proper nutrition. Your body needs certain vitamins and minerals to keep your hair healthy. First of all, you need to make sure that your diet contains enough protein, iron, zinc and vitamin B12. In addition, there are a number of foods that can improve hair health, such as eggs, nuts, olive oil, beets, beans and spinach leaves.
A second tip that can help with baldness is to avoid stress and practice regular exercise. Stress can cause you to start losing your hair. Regular exercise helps improve circulation and vitaminization of the scalp, which can help restore hair health.
The third tip is to avoid applying harsh chemical products to your hair. They can damage hair follicles and lead to baldness. You should also avoid using hair dryers and irons. If you need them, you should use heat protectors, if possible.
The fourth tip is to use natural hair care products. These can be oils such as castor oil, jojoba oil, and coconut oil, which help maintain healthy hair, moisturize, and nourish the scalp. Regular use of oils can also help improve circulation in the scalp and help new hair growth.The fifth tip is to use scalp massage to increase circulation and nourish the hair. This can be done on your own, using special combs, or you can turn to a professional.
The sixth and final tip is to contact a specialist trichologist, who, if necessary, will be able to prescribe the necessary treatment, including medication, hormonal or physical therapy.
In conclusion, we can say that the treatment of male pattern baldness at home is possible. But if you notice severe hair loss, it is worth seeing a doctor to clarify the causes and subsequent treatment.

Modern shampoo against hair loss, designed for men.

Folicerin is a modern shampoo against hair loss, developed for men. The cosmetic formula helps prevent baldness, thickens and strengthens new hair strands, improves scalp microcirculation, thoroughly cleanses and cares.

Folicerin is safe for the skin and mild, so it can be used daily. The shampoo’s envelope of ingredients, consisting of biopolymer particles greater than 200 nm in diameter, provides stabilization of sensitive active ingredients and increases their effectiveness. This product is innovative, which arouses great interest among men.

Alopecia is a problem that keeps many men awake at night. Take advantage of the product’s outstanding potential.

Check out the Folicerin offer on the official website
