How to burn belly fat

Nutrition experts call fat on the belly and flanks problematic because it is quite difficult to get rid of it. Indeed, it is more resistant to chemical processes in the body than subcutaneous fat deposits in other areas. Therefore, when losing weight, the volume melts first on the chest and arms, and the belly is reduced in the last place.

How to burn belly fat if it’s so intractable? — Confidently, with an understanding of the physiological side of the process and the fact that the results will not be fast.

There are different kinds of fat.

We need to distinguish between two main types of fat in the body — subcutaneous and internal.

- Subcutaneous fat accumulates between the skin and the abdominal muscles. It makes the body soft (at best) or even flabby (in neglected variants). It accumulates easily due to excess calories and improper nutrition. Fast carbohydrates (pastries, white bread, sweets), fried fatty foods combined with a sedentary lifestyle contribute to this.

Visually an excess of subcutaneous fat in the abdomen and flanks is visible, for instance, when a person is sitting. But for health such fat deposits are not dangerous, if the permissible percentage of fat in the body is not exceeded (it depends on age and sex).

How to burn subcutaneous belly fat? — Stick to a calorie deficit diet, good nutrition principles and combine this with moderate exercise.

- Internal fat (visceral, deep, abdominal) hides in the abdominal cavity around the vital organs, it is from him the belly “spreads”, getting a rounded shape.

It disrupts hormones and metabolism, can squeeze the internal organs of the abdomen, violate the posture. It can be burned off by prolonged low and medium intensity cardio exercise in the fat-burning heart rate zone — while maintaining a caloric deficit and following the principles of proper nutrition.

What is fat burning

To understand how to burn fat on the abdomen and flanks, it is necessary to understand what fat burning is and how it occurs.

Fat burning is the process of reducing body fat and involves two steps: lipolysis and oxidation.

Lipolysis is affected by adrenaline and noradrenaline released during exercise. Under the influence of the hormones, the fat cells are released, enter the bloodstream, rush to the places where the muscles are active, and there they “burn”.

By the way, daily abdominal exercises to fight fat in the abdominal area are absolutely useless. These muscles are too small to provide a serious expenditure of calories during exercise and burn fat deposits in the problem area. It is impossible to burn belly fat without triggering the process of fat burning in the whole body!

Then how do you burn fat on the belly? — With the help of a comprehensive workout. Engage a large number of muscle groups or large muscles (e.g. big gluteus, pectoralis, broadest muscle of the back) — then adrenaline and noradrenaline are evenly distributed throughout the body and help to evenly melt fat, including in the belly and flanks.

Workouts that help burn fat

In everyday life, we spend the calories that we get with food, but the expenditure of fat cells is a process that must be “launched”. And this can be done with the help of sports training.

Cardio Training

Cardio training is an effective way to get rid of excess weight and fat reserves. But to start the mechanism of burning fat with cardio, you need at least 40 minutes of exercise. Only after this milestone does the body begin to use up the reserves of fat cells.

Cardio training is characterized by working for a long time at about the same heart rate level — 60–70% of the maximum value. At this rhythm, the body gets enough oxygen to oxidize the released fat cells.

Strength training

During strength training, energy is consumed anaerobically, i.e., without oxygen. The body does not “pull” fat cells out of storage, there is no oxidation.

But due to the formation of lactic acid, muscle fibers are strengthened and increased. This accelerates the metabolism, increases the basal metabolism, the weight loss is not during the workout, but after it, during the period of muscle recovery.

Strength training helps to get rid of fat without significant loss of muscle mass.

High Intensity Interval Training

How to burn belly fat quickly with exercise? — Try HIIT.

The program is built on alternating tempo exercises. In the high-intensity period, the body works at the limit, maximizing energy expenditure, burning fat deposits. In the low-intensity period, you have the opportunity to rest, gathering strength for a new approach.

This workout burns more fat than normal cardio and faster. In 20–25 minutes of HIIT you lose more fat cells than in an hour-long cardio workout.

Proper nutrition for burning belly fat

The process of losing weight is a complex work, which combines physical activity, a balanced diet, proper rest, and body care.

And 80–90% of the success of fat burning depends on how you eat.

How do I eat to burn belly fat?

  • Don’t be afraid of carbohydrates. The body needs energy, both for daily activities and to build muscle. Just give preference to unrefined, whole-grain foods that will provide a long-lasting sense of satiety and give you the energy you need.
  • Watch the amount of protein in your diet — it should be plenty. Eating dairy products, seafood, meat, eggs, beans, and other legumes can reduce the risk of belly fat and provide protein to maintain muscle mass.
  • Replace unhealthy fats in your diet with healthy ones. Avocados, red fish, nuts, and unrefined oils (pumpkin, linseed, olive, sesame, etc.) help defeat hunger and keep your waistline clear.
  • Balance your meals so that you have a full breakfast that includes carbohydrates and protein. For lunch, choose carbs with vegetables-you need the energy. Dinner is better to make protein with added fiber. Use fruit, dairy products, and nuts for snacks.
  • Don’t forget to drink water and consume fiber in the form of vegetables, fruits, and mushrooms.

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