10 foods that will help speed up weight loss


Tired of the monotonous diet? Did you know that there are foods that accelerate weight loss? Just eat these foods more often to diversify your diet and not fall off!

Why is it hard for us to lose weight? It seems that we try to eat less, exercise, but there is no result. In fact, the main importance for weight loss is not only the amount of food, but also its quality — some products can accelerate weight loss. About this and tell us.


What are their strengths? Fibre-rich beans will keep you hungry much longer than, for example, a beef burger.

How to eat. Roast canned (or pre-boiled) beans with black pepper, paprika and tomatoes and eat them for breakfast.

Beans, peas, and lentils are tasty and healthy foods. They are “slow”, long-digesting foods that reduce appetite and accelerate weight loss.


What’s the power? ¼ tsp. of cinnamon a week markedly lowers “bad” cholesterol in the blood and increases the body’s ability to break down carbohydrates.

How to eat it. Don’t limit the use of cinnamon to buns and coffee. Add it to stews and, along with cardamom, to tea brews.


What’s the power. Tomatoes help the liver cope with fatty foods and other excesses.

How to eat them. Make it a rule to add them to any fatty dish — meat stew, broth, curry.

Meltamin is a modern fat burner for drinking with the taste of cactus fruit. The product, which contains a unique complex of 11 components that help reduce fatty tissue and increase the body’s productivity during workouts. Meltamin is designed for both professional athletes and those who simply want to lose extra pounds.

The ingredients in Meltamin stimulate the metabolism of fats and help eliminate excess water from the body, and help maintain the correct blood glucose level. In addition, the product helps relieve feelings of fatigue and fatigue and reduces the feeling of effort during exercise.

Meltamin is a revolutionary bioactive supplement with a great taste.

Meltamin review (reviews, how to buy)

Lemon zest

What’s the power? Lemon peels contain pectin, a gelling substance that thickens the contents of the stomach, slowing its digestion. The contents, not the stomach.

How to eat. Mix the zest with olive oil, thyme and mustard and marinate the lamb in this mixture.

Chili peppers.

What’s the power? The capsaicin in red peppers has about the same effect as piperine in black peppers. In addition, hot peppers reduce appetite and accelerate weight loss.

How to eat? If you decide to indulge in something not at all dietary like a juicy cheese pie, fried chicken wings, or even a burger, don’t forget to sprinkle chili or pour tabasco sauce on it.

Some foods that accelerate weight loss do not have to be eaten in large quantities, it is enough to use them as a condiment

Black pepper

What is the power? Piperine, the substance that provides black pepper its spiciness, stimulates the metabolism and therefore fat burning. It’s good for accelerating weight loss, too.

How to eat. In addition to the obvious options, you can add pepper to hot chocolate and tea — along with cinnamon, cardamom, ginger and milk.


What’s the power. Fiber, which fills the stomach, keeping you from getting hungry early.

How to eat. Mix finely chopped celery with cider and stew chicken in this mixture.


What’s the power. Grapefruit, like other citrus fruits, is high in vitamin C, great for satisfying hunger, and able to diversify any diet.

How to eat. Add grapefruit pulp to shrimp stew just before serving or marinate chicken in grapefruit juice with salt and pepper.

Grapefruit in its pure form is not to everyone’s liking, but if served properly, it can be a tasty product that speeds up weight loss


What’s the power of it? This tropical fruit contains the enzyme bromelain, which helps break down fat and accelerates weight loss. Of course, you should not expect significant changes in weight and body volume, but nevertheless this fruit contains a significant amount of fiber and vitamins.

How to eat it? Add pineapple to a salad with chicken, making sure to season it with chili pepper.


What’s the power? The proteins in spinach lower the hormones responsible for hunger, scientists from the University of Lund in Sweden decided over a plate of spinach.

How to eat it. Roast in butter and cover with eggs. Serve the stewed spinach as a side dish to chicken. Or better yet, even with fish.

Meltamin is a modern fat burner for drinking with the taste of cactus fruit. The product, which contains a unique complex of 11 components that help reduce fatty tissue and increase the body’s productivity during workouts. Meltamin is designed for both professional athletes and those who simply want to lose extra pounds.

The ingredients in Meltamin stimulate the metabolism of fats and help eliminate excess water from the body, and help maintain the correct blood glucose level. In addition, the product helps relieve feelings of fatigue and fatigue and reduces the feeling of effort during exercise.

Meltamin is a revolutionary bioactive supplement with a great taste.

Meltamin review (reviews, how to buy)

Today | 13, March 2025