How to burn more fat while working out

It is commonly believed that aerobic exercise (along with reducing calorie intake) is the best way to lose weight.

But millions of people sweat for hours on ellipsoids and exercise bikes, yet can’t lose a pound. This means that either losing weight takes much more effort than most people think, or we have been misled, and in fact there are much more effective ways of burning fat. Often strength training is suggested as such, but the scientific evidence suggests otherwise.

It is important to remember that any exercise can create a weight loss effect if you burn more calories than you consume. However, high-intensity fat-burning workouts that involve many muscle groups can not only speed up weight loss, but also improve health and body quality
There is no doubt that you burn more calories during an aerobic workout than during a power workout (assuming that the intensity and duration of the exercise are about the same). But the calories you burn during the rest of the day can tip the balance in favor of lifting weights.

A classic study, published as early as 1977, showed that the gradual deterioration of resting metabolism with age (we consume calories even when we sleep) depends almost entirely on the loss of muscle mass: this process starts after age 30 and continues inexorably for the rest of your life. Lifting a barbell not only slows the loss of muscle mass, but even allows you to build it up, which also improves metabolism and promotes fat burning.

Meltamin is a modern fat burner for drinking with the taste of cactus fruit. The product, which contains a unique complex of 11 components that help reduce fatty tissue and increase the body’s productivity during workouts. Meltamin is designed for both professional athletes and those who simply want to lose extra pounds.

The ingredients in Meltamin stimulate the metabolism of fats and help eliminate excess water from the body, and help maintain the correct blood glucose level. In addition, the product helps relieve feelings of fatigue and fatigue and reduces the feeling of effort during exercise.

Meltamin is a revolutionary bioactive supplement with a great taste.

Meltamin review (reviews, how to buy)

How fat-burning workouts work

In addition, strength training helps the body burn more fat instead of carbohydrates as fuel (although it’s still unclear whether this results in a reduction in the total amount of fat you accumulate over a long period of time).

And finally, the most obvious argument: a strong and healthy person is more likely to be active, to lift things, to walk stairs — in short, to burn calories in all kinds of ways in everyday life.

It was these factors that prompted experts at the American College of Sports Medicine in 2009 to acknowledge the possibility that strength training could be beneficial for weight loss, which contradicted an earlier official view. Now, however, they have taken a wait-and-see attitude, wanting documentary evidence.

Effective workouts for burning fat

However, there have been many experiments regarding the relationship between strength training and weight loss. The most impressive results, which is not surprising, were obtained in tests combining both types of physical activity. For example, Korean scientists tested two exercise programs. The first one included six cardio-workouts per week, and the second one included three cardio- and three strength-training sessions during the same period. It turned out that the combined program gave better results for reducing subcutaneous and abdominal fat, as well as for building muscle mass. Undoubtedly, strength training has a great many benefits, including improved metabolism and the ability to burn fat. However, in order to maximize the health benefits, you should always combine them with aerobic exercise and maintain a caloric defici

Fat burning workouts are good for the brain, developing a person’s communicative abilities. At the same time, it improves mood, hormonal composition, positively influences performance, and also has a positive effect on longevity.

Meltamin is a modern fat burner for drinking with the taste of cactus fruit. The product, which contains a unique complex of 11 components that help reduce fatty tissue and increase the body’s productivity during workouts. Meltamin is designed for both professional athletes and those who simply want to lose extra pounds.

The ingredients in Meltamin stimulate the metabolism of fats and help eliminate excess water from the body, and help maintain the correct blood glucose level. In addition, the product helps relieve feelings of fatigue and fatigue and reduces the feeling of effort during exercise.

Meltamin is a revolutionary bioactive supplement with a great taste.

Meltamin review (reviews, how to buy)

The best exercises for burning fat

Chest twisting lunges

The trunk-turn lunges are an advanced version of the classic exercise that requires maximum coordination, balance and energy. It was invented in order to engage as many parts of the body as possible. In addition to the leg muscles, the arms, corset and other stabilizers are also involved.

Lunges are a basic fat-burning exercise designed to work the quadriceps, glutes and biceps of the thigh. Allows not only to train muscles, but also to stretch them

Berpi with push-ups

The push-up burpee is one of the most energy-intensive exercises and allows you to lose a lot of calories in a short time. To perform the exercise, first do an incomplete squat and lower your hands to the floor. Then from this position with a jump go to the bar on outstretched arms. After that, push up off the floor and with a jump put your feet to your hands. At the end of the exercise, jump up by completely straightening your body and extending your arms above your head.

This exercise engages the entire body. The different phases of the exercise involve the quadriceps, rear thigh, arms, chest, back, front delts and abs. Regular performance of burpees trains the cardiovascular system, increases endurance, develops the respiratory system and coordination, and promotes fat burning.

Jumping rope

According to a 2013 study by scientists from Arizona State University, 10 minutes of jumping rope is as effective for weight loss as 30 minutes of running. In addition, the researchers found that jump rope exercise can increase bone density, which reduces the risk of osteoporosis.

Have you ever wondered why professional athletes always have a jump rope in their bags? Jumping rope is one of the best exercises for burning fat

Jumping in/step on a cube or step
This is a relatively simple, but no less effective exercise for burning fat, allowing you to burn a lot of calories. It is included in many workout sets because of its ability to load all the leg muscles. Using the equipment additionally works the arms and shoulders. If your goal is to lose weight, you should perform the strides alternately, alternating the right leg with the left. The intensity of the exercise and its duration are important.

Meltamin is a modern fat burner for drinking with the taste of cactus fruit. The product, which contains a unique complex of 11 components that help reduce fatty tissue and increase the body’s productivity during workouts. Meltamin is designed for both professional athletes and those who simply want to lose extra pounds.

The ingredients in Meltamin stimulate the metabolism of fats and help eliminate excess water from the body, and help maintain the correct blood glucose level. In addition, the product helps relieve feelings of fatigue and fatigue and reduces the feeling of effort during exercise.

Meltamin is a revolutionary bioactive supplement with a great taste.

Meltamin review (reviews, how to buy)
