Can you start balding after 25?


Healthy and luscious hair isn’t just a desire for women but also for men. Hair loss is always distressing for a man. The causes of male baldness can vary. Hair loss in men can be linked to both external factors and androgenetic factors, regardless of age. The most common type of male baldness is gradual hair loss on the head, occurring with age. In short, the older a man gets, the less hair he retains. Other causes of baldness include stress, improper diet, harmful habits, and of course, genetic predisposition, which can manifest unexpectedly at any time or never at all. Nowadays, the issue of early male baldness is widely prevalent, with men experiencing hair loss as early as 20–25 years old.

Hormonal changes in young bodies during puberty are often the cause of this problem. When faced with the issue of early baldness, men often begin to feel self-conscious, withdraw into themselves, and resort to incorrect methods of treating male baldness, often causing more harm than good and further hair loss. However, the problem can be overcome, but one cannot fight early male baldness alone. Self-treatment can lead to complete hair loss. On average, there are about 100,000 hair follicles on the scalp. Throughout life, each follicle can produce 20–30 hairs. Typically, 70% of scalp hair is in the growth stage (anagen) and 10% is in the resting phase. As people age, there is only a slight decrease in the density of hair follicles, but there is a tendency for reduced hair growth activity, and the hairs themselves become shorter.

Hair growth usually occurs cyclically: after the growth stage (anagen), which can last from 3 to 7 years with a growth rate of up to 1 cm per month, there is a short transitional stage (catagen), followed by the resting stage (telogen), when the hair stops growing and falls out. At the end of the telogen phase, during which hair can fall out spontaneously or with slight effort (the duration of the phase is on average 3 months), new hair growth begins in the follicle. Beard and scalp hair have a short telogen stage. Eyelashes, eyebrows, underarm, and pubic hair have a longer telogen stage.

The most common type of baldness in men is called androgenetic alopecia, characterized by gradual, slow thinning, and subsequent hair loss in the crown area. Under the influence of excess male sex hormones, thick dark hair gradually replaces by thin and practically invisible fuzz, which eventually disappears as well. Typically, androgenetic hair loss in men is irreversible and is most prevalent among individuals of European descent, while it is almost non-existent among Mongoloids and Negroids.

Hair loss is a pronounced cosmetic issue that often leads to psychological discomfort, reducing quality of life, and causing both social problems, such as limitations in career choice, employment, and social prospects, and economic issues due to the duration and high cost of treatment.

Daily hair loss (up to 100 hairs), evenly distributed across the scalp, is a normal physiological process. However, under the influence of various external and internal factors, the synchrony of hair cycles is disrupted, leading to excessive hair loss (up to 1000 hairs per day), which results in alopecia (Olsen E. A. 2001). Disrupting the biological rhythm of hair growth requires not only the influence of environmental triggers but also specific genetic characteristics of the body.

External factors that trigger hair loss in men:

  1. Prolonged wearing of uncomfortable, too tight, or weather-inappropriate headwear. In this case, hair falls out due to compression of the blood vessels in the scalp and inadequate blood flow to the hair follicles, as well as constant friction.
  2. Head injuries leaving scars, burns, as well as various infections causing scarring of the skin tissues.
  3. Improper hair and scalp care or lack thereof.
  4. Aggressive environmental factors — high or low temperatures, radiation, chemical damage.

Internal causes of early hair loss in men:

  1. Genetic predisposition.
  2. Painful conditions of the sebaceous glands of the scalp (seborrhea).
  3. Body intoxication, prolonged use of medications.
  4. Severe nervous tension, stress, psychological traumas, various nervous system disorders.
  5. Severe operations and the rehabilitation period after them.
  6. Improper, inadequate nutrition leading to a deficiency in the body of substances responsible for hair health — vitamins A, B, E, and D, and trace elements including iron, sulfur, zinc, and selenium. Also, the premature balding process can be triggered by sudden uncontrolled weight loss.
  7. Digestive system disorders.
  8. Working in hazardous industries, exposure to radioactive radiation.
  9. A past or current severe infectious disease.
  10. Skin diseases — psoriasis, mycosis, furunculosis, dermatitis.

Although, according to trichology specialists, male hair loss itself is an irreversible process, at the early stages, the ailment is quite treatable, and the effectiveness of treatment depends directly on when a man begins to address the problem and seeks professional help.


When complaints about hair loss arise, a diagnostic program is traditionally prescribed to identify pathologies affecting the thyroid gland, central nervous system, ovarian and adrenal diseases, liver, immune system, etc., in order to establish the true cause of baldness. Often, treatment begins with external therapy, which involves applying lotions, balms, masks, gels to the scalp, preparations containing alcohols, tinctures of red pepper, ether, and administering electrophoresis of biologically active substances. For oral intake, doctors recommend vitamins C, PP, A, and injectable vitamins B6, B1, B12. Prolonged zinc intake is recommended (multivitamin complexes, dietary supplements specially selected for hair treatment). All of these methods are well known to practicing dermatologists and cosmetologists, but we would like to focus on more modern medicinal products for treating hair loss.

Folicerin is a modern shampoo designed for men to combat hair loss. Its cosmetic formula aids in preventing baldness, thickens and strengthens new hair strands, improves scalp microcirculation, and provides thorough cleansing and care.

Folicerin is gentle and safe for the skin, making it suitable for daily use. The encapsulation of shampoo ingredients, consisting of biopolymer particles with a diameter of over 200 nm, ensures the stabilization of sensitive active substances, enhancing their effectiveness. This product is innovative, sparking significant interest among men.

Explore the official website now to discover everything about the product that could transform your life!

Folisin is a hair loss supplement for men. The formulation of the supplement includes a total of 13 ingredients that inhibit baldness, support hair growth, and positively influence the condition of the scalp, creating an ideal environment for new hair growth. It is important to note that all ingredients used in the tablets are safe for the body and do not cause any side effects.

The bioactive supplement Folisin provides the body with a range of essential nutrients, the deficiency of which is one of the reasons for hair loss. Regular use of the supplement counteracts this process and promotes hair regrowth in areas where hair has already fallen out, such as the crown or temple of the head. Additionally, Folisin helps maintain an optimal level of testosterone in the blood and positively affects pigmentation, allowing for the maintenance of your hair’s natural color.

Explore the official website now to discover everything about the product that could transform your life!
