How quickly does male pattern baldness progress?


Causes of Alopecia

Male pattern baldness (clinically termed “androgenetic alopecia”) is primarily driven by genetic factors and hormonal imbalances. Although predominantly observed in males, this type of hair loss is inherited through the maternal line. Male pattern baldness occurs in the presence of androgens, yet the precise role of male sex hormones remains unclear. Women typically experience a less pronounced form of this type of alopecia, usually developing later in life.

Depending on familial history, male pattern baldness may onset earlier in male individuals, occurring in adolescents, young adults aged 20 and older, or middle-aged individuals. Men experiencing baldness in their late teens or early 20s usually exhibit more severe balding than those who lose hair at a later age.

Hair loss typically begins gradually, with the hairline gradually receding towards the temples on either side and the crown of the head.

Eventually, hair loss may affect the entire scalp. In some cases, baldness progresses rapidly over the course of several years.

Symptoms of Androgenetic Alopecia

Gradual thinning of hair on the scalp, a receding hairline, and the formation of an expanding area of hair loss (baldness) on the vertex and back of the head.

Some men may develop a small bald spot as a result of hair loss, more commonly forming a receding hairline from the forehead, with the hairline preserved only around the ears and at the nape of the neck. In rare cases, hair loss may be complete.


While hair loss may worsen the emotional well-being of individuals, it is not medically dangerous.

What You Can Do

Currently, there is no magic solution or cream that can fully restore hair. Minoxidil may help in some cases, but not all. Halting the progression of male pattern baldness is not possible, but you can slow this process with general health measures and proper care.

Wash your hair with a gentle shampoo, warm water, and finish with a cool water rinse.

Use a hairbrush with soft bristles. Avoid brushing wet hair, as it can weaken and damage the hair.

Avoid exposing your hair to hot hair dryers, chemical perms, and coloring agents.

If baldness develops, consider using hairpieces. Use attachment methods with caution to avoid damaging your own hair.

See a doctor if you are experiencing hair loss, or if you notice any hair loss that does not fit the typical male pattern, such as the appearance of multiple bald spots on the head. Consultation with a doctor is necessary if you are considering hair transplantation or drug therapy.

What a Doctor Can Do

Examination and assessment of family history can help identify the cause of hair loss. If male pattern baldness is an issue, a doctor may prescribe a course of minoxidil to be applied to the hair every night.

In men who respond well to this treatment, new hair typically grows thinner and denser than normal hair. It may take several months to determine whether minoxidil is effective in each specific case. To maintain the effect, the lotion should be continued. After discontinuation of treatment, hair loss resumes.

Diagnosis is based on visual examination of the area of hair loss according to the typical pattern. Treatment depends on how the presence of baldness affects the individual’s emotional state.

For men who view baldness as a normal part of aging, there is no need for therapy. If baldness causes personal distress, various cosmetic, medical, and surgical treatment methods may be used.

Hair transplantation involves transplanting small areas of skin with healthy hair from the sides of the head or the back to the balding area. Surgical treatment is usually performed in stages.

The use of minoxidil, a drug that enhances hair growth on the head and other parts of the body (originally developed as a blood pressure medication). Approximately one-third of men who received minoxidil experienced significant hair growth, while another third experienced some hair growth.

Some men use hairpieces that look like real hair.

Folicerin is a modern shampoo designed for men to combat hair loss. Its cosmetic formula aids in preventing baldness, thickens and strengthens new hair strands, improves scalp microcirculation, and provides thorough cleansing and care.

Folicerin is gentle and safe for the skin, making it suitable for daily use. The encapsulation of shampoo ingredients, consisting of biopolymer particles with a diameter of over 200 nm, ensures the stabilization of sensitive active substances, enhancing their effectiveness. This product is innovative, sparking significant interest among men.

Explore the official website now to discover everything about the product that could transform your life!

Folisin is a hair loss supplement for men. The formulation of the supplement includes a total of 13 ingredients that inhibit baldness, support hair growth, and positively influence the condition of the scalp, creating an ideal environment for new hair growth. It is important to note that all ingredients used in the tablets are safe for the body and do not cause any side effects.

The bioactive supplement Folisin provides the body with a range of essential nutrients, the deficiency of which is one of the reasons for hair loss. Regular use of the supplement counteracts this process and promotes hair regrowth in areas where hair has already fallen out, such as the crown or temple of the head. Additionally, Folisin helps maintain an optimal level of testosterone in the blood and positively affects pigmentation, allowing for the maintenance of your hair’s natural color.

Explore the official website now to discover everything about the product that could transform your life!
