Psychological consequences of male pattern baldness and how to cope with them



Healthy and beautiful hair adorn not only a woman, but also a man. Hair loss is always stressful for a man. The causes of baldness in men can be different. Hair loss in men can be associated with both the influence of external factors and androgenetic, regardless of age. The most common type of male pattern baldness is the gradual loss of scalp hair that occurs with age. In a word, the older, the less hair. Other causes of baldness are stress, malnutrition, bad habits and, of course, hereditary predisposition, which at any time can suddenly make itself felt, or vice versa, never appear at all. In modern times, the problem of early male pattern baldness is widespread, when at the age of 20–25 a man begins to lose hair.

The cause of this problem is most often the hormonal changes of a young body that occur during puberty. Faced with the problem of early baldness, men often begin to complex, withdraw into themselves, use the wrong methods of treating male baldness that often do more harm than good and, as a result, lose hair even more. However, the problem can be defeated, but you cannot fight early male pattern baldness on your own. Self-medication can lead to complete hair loss. On average, there are about 100,000 hair follicles on the scalp. Throughout life, 20–30 hairs can grow from each follicle. Typically, 70% of scalp hair is in the growth phase and 10% is in the resting phase. With age, a person has only a slight decrease in the density of hair follicles,

Usually, hair growth occurs cyclically: the growth stage — anagen (it can last from 3 to 7 years, the hair growth rate is up to 1 cm per month) is followed by a short transitional stage — catagen, and then the resting stage — telogen, when the hair stops growing and falls out . At the end of the telogen phase, during which the hair can fall out spontaneously or with a slight effort (the phase lasts an average of 3 months), a new hair begins to grow in the follicle. The hair of the beard and scalp has a short telogen stage. Eyelashes, eyebrows, axillary and pubic hair have a longer telogen.

The most common type of baldness in men is the so-called androgenic alopecia, in which there is a gradual, slowly progressive thinning, thinning and subsequent hair loss in the crown area. Under the influence of an excess of male sex hormones, coarse dark hair is gradually replaced by a thin and almost imperceptible fluff, which also disappears over time. As a rule, androgenic hair loss in men is irreversible, and representatives of the Caucasian race are most susceptible to it, while it practically does not threaten the heads of Mongoloids and Negroids.

As a pronounced cosmetic defect, baldness often leads to psycho-emotional discomfort that reduces the quality of life, and causes both social problems due to restrictions in the choice of profession, employment and social prospects, and economic ones due to the duration of treatment and its high cost.

Daily hair loss (up to 100), uniform over the entire surface of the scalp, is a normal physiological process. However, under the influence of various external and internal factors, the synchronization of hair cycles is disturbed and excessive hair loss occurs (up to 1000 hairs per day), which leads to alopecia (Olsen EA 2001). To disrupt the biological rhythm of hair growth, the impact of environmental triggers is not enough — certain genetic characteristics of the organism are required.

Modern shampoo against hair loss, designed for men.

Folicerin is a modern shampoo against hair loss, developed for men. The cosmetic formula helps prevent baldness, thickens and strengthens new hair strands, improves scalp microcirculation, thoroughly cleanses and cares.

Folicerin is safe for the skin and mild, so it can be used daily. The shampoo’s envelope of ingredients, consisting of biopolymer particles greater than 200 nm in diameter, provides stabilization of sensitive active ingredients and increases their effectiveness. This product is innovative, which arouses great interest among men.

Alopecia is a problem that keeps many men awake at night. Take advantage of the product’s outstanding potential.

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External factors that provoke hair loss in men:

1. Long-term wearing of uncomfortable, too tight or unsuitable for the weather hats. In this case, the hair falls out from the clamping of the vessels of the scalp and insufficient blood flow to the hair follicles, as well as from constant friction.

2. Head injuries that left scars, burns, as well as various infections that cause scarring of integumentary tissues.

3. Incorrect care of hair and scalp, or even its absence.

4. Aggressive environmental impact — high or low temperatures, radiation, chemical damage.

Internal causes of early hair loss in men:

1. Genetic predisposition.

2. Painful conditions of the sebaceous glands of the scalp (seborrhea).

3. Intoxication of the body, long-term use of drugs.

4. Strong nervous tension, stress, psychological trauma, all kinds of disorders of the nervous system.

5. Severe operations and the rehabilitation period after them.

6. Improper, malnutrition, which led to a deficiency in the body of substances responsible for hair health — vitamins A, B, E and D and trace elements, including iron, sulfur, zinc, selenium. Also, the process of premature baldness can trigger a sharp uncontrolled weight loss.

7. Dysfunction of the digestive system.

8. Work in hazardous production, radioactive exposure

9. Transmitted or past severe infectious disease

10. Skin diseases — psoriasis, mycosis, furunculosis, dermatitis.

Although, according to trichologists, hair loss in men is an irreversible process in itself, but in the early stages the disease is quite treatable, the effectiveness of which directly depends on at what stage in the development of premature baldness the man thought about the problem and turned to a professional.


With complaints of hair loss, a diagnostic program is traditionally prescribed to identify pathologies from the thyroid gland, central nervous system, diseases of the ovaries and adrenal glands, liver, immune system, etc. in order to establish the true cause of baldness. Often, treatment begins with external therapy, which consists in applying lotions, balms, masks, gels to the scalp, preparations containing alcohols, red pepper tinctures, ether, and electrophoresis of biologically active substances is prescribed. For oral administration, doctors recommend vitamins C, PP, A, in the form of injections — vitamins B6, B1, B12. Recommend long-term intake of zinc (multivitamin complexes, dietary supplements, the composition of which is specially selected for the treatment of hair). All these methods are well known to practicing dermatologists and cosmetologists.

Modern shampoo against hair loss, designed for men.

Folicerin is a modern shampoo against hair loss, developed for men. The cosmetic formula helps prevent baldness, thickens and strengthens new hair strands, improves scalp microcirculation, thoroughly cleanses and cares.

Folicerin is safe for the skin and mild, so it can be used daily. The shampoo’s envelope of ingredients, consisting of biopolymer particles greater than 200 nm in diameter, provides stabilization of sensitive active ingredients and increases their effectiveness. This product is innovative, which arouses great interest among men.

Alopecia is a problem that keeps many men awake at night. Take advantage of the product’s outstanding potential.

Check out the Folicerin offer on the official website
