What Is the Best Way to Manage Stress?

Exploring Stress: Understanding the Modern Plague

In today’s fast-paced world, stress seems to be an inevitable part of life. The constant motion, tension, information overload, worry about loved ones and children, and work-related challenges — all these stress factors can negatively affect our nervous system and overall well-being. Let’s delve into what commonly causes stress and how to deal with it effectively, with insights from medical experts.

Fascinating Facts About Stress

Types of Stress

  • Eustress: Beneficial stress (first date, exam jitters, physical exercise).
  • Distress: Adverse stress.
  • Emotional Stress: Intense emotions (joy, anxiety).
  • Psychological Stress: Excessive mental tension and behavioral disorganization.

Impact of Stress on the Brain

  • Stress increases the production of proteins that slow down or even halt the growth of connective elements for neural networks.
  • The brain starts to shrink and lose its activity, which can lead to Alzheimer’s disease.

Impact of Stress on Appearance

  • Hair loss, weight gain or loss, exacerbation of skin conditions such as dermatitis and psoriasis.

Seeking Professional Guidance

Which Specialist to Consult

  • Neurologist and psychotherapist.

Causes of Stress in Adults

  • According to Professor Rinat Gimranov, M.D., an expert in neurology, the individual causes of stress vary. What is normal for one person may be a source of stress for another. However, the main factor contributing to stress development is prolonged overload of the nervous system and psychoemotional stress.
  • Several main reasons for stress among adults include excessive mental and physical exertion, lack of sleep (work without days off, night shifts, exam periods for students, multitasking at work, increased self-demands), complex family and work relationships, prolonged illnesses limiting daily activity and reducing quality of life, and financial difficulties (financial and housing problems are one of the most common causes of stress). Information overload has become particularly relevant in recent years; people cannot absorb incoming information and make the right decisions at the required pace.
  • There is a stress rating scale developed by T. Holmes and R. Rahe. American psychiatrists who studied the relationship between patients’ illnesses and events in their lives compiled a special scale: in it, each event in life is evaluated in several points depending on the degree of its stressfulness. By passing this test, you can assess your stress level and take necessary actions to alleviate it.

NuviaLab Relax is a bioactive supplement designed to support a positive mood and emotional balance. The carefully formulated product helps to relax and maintain overall well-being. Additionally, the ingredients in NuviaLab Relax induce a sense of calmness, possess adaptogenic properties, support cognitive abilities, and contribute to improving sleep quality.

The effective action of NuviaLab Relax is the result of combining 10 natural ingredients with synergistic effects. Here you will find a standardized blend of Calmomix® extracts, Rhodiolife® rose root extract, magnesium, and B-group vitamins. This optimal combination of ingredients relaxes, uplifts mood, and promotes restorative sleep.

Explore the official website now to discover everything about the product that could transform your life!

Restilen is an effective way to combat stress. Its regular use helps to increase stress resilience, reduce symptoms of stress, fatigue, and exhaustion. The product is based on natural ingredients that act directly on the source of the problem.

Restilen is designed for men and women who have ever experienced stress, anxiety, or nervousness and want to get rid of it. Visible results can be noticed from the first day of use.

Explore the official website now to discover everything about the product that could transform your life!


Gender Differences in Stress Management

According to practicing psychologist Lena Gizitdinova, men and women indeed react differently to stress. This is because different hemispheres of the brain are activated during stressful situations. Consequently, the methods of treating stress in men and women are different.

  • Men: During stress, the left hemisphere of the brain, responsible for logic, reasoning, and problem-solving, is affected. This is why men tend to shut down, remain silent, and internalize all emotions.
  • Women: Conversely, the right hemisphere, responsible for the creative process and emotional state, is deactivated. Therefore, for men, it is essential to give themselves time to experience emotions, take a short pause, and live with new information. For women, venting emotions and release, for example, through creativity, helps.

Mastering Stress Management: Top 10 Effective Methods for Self-Care

In our daily lives, stress has become an unavoidable companion. The constant hustle, tension, information overload, worries about family and work, and various challenges can take a toll on our mental and physical health. Here are some expert-recommended strategies to understand and combat stress effectively.

1. Balanced Nutrition: The Foundation of Stress Management

During times of stress and anxiety, it’s essential to maintain a balanced and nutritious diet. Your plate should include proteins (meat, eggs), carbohydrates (whole grains), fats (healthy oils, fatty fish), and fiber (grains, vegetables, greens). Opt for high-quality meats, oils, and fruits. Additionally, consume foods rich in vitamin C (rose hips, kiwi, oranges) and B-group vitamins (fish, chicken liver, almonds) to support your well-being.

2. Gut Microbiome Regulation: A Key to Mood Stabilization

Scientific research has highlighted the influence of gut microbiota on mood, behavior, and stress response. A balanced gut microbiome is crucial for reducing anxiety and depression risk. Restoring gut microbiota balance can be achieved through a balanced diet and probiotic supplementation. Probiotics capable of modulating the microbiota help lower cortisol levels and promote the synthesis of neurotransmitters, thereby reducing stress manifestations and supporting mental health.

3. Breathing Exercises: Harnessing the Power of Breath

Breathing exercises are among the most effective ways to cope with stress. Among many techniques, choose the one that positively impacts your emotional state:

  • Diaphragmatic Breathing: Lie on your back, place your hands on your abdomen, and take a deep breath through your nose. Then, exhale slowly through your mouth while pressing your hands against your abdomen. Repeat several times.
  • Inhale for 3 counts, hold for a couple of seconds, exhale for 7 counts.
  • Alternate Nostril Breathing: Sit comfortably, cover one nostril with your thumb, and inhale through the other nostril. Repeat with the other nostril.
  • Abdominal Breathing: Lie on your stomach, place your hand on it, inhale deeply through your nose, feeling your abdominal wall rise. Exhale fully, contracting your abdominal muscles.

4. Meditation: Cultivating Inner Peace

Meditation has been practiced for centuries and is a proven method for stress relief. You can meditate in any comfortable position. Even in the office, maintaining a straight back and focusing on your thoughts can suffice.

There’s a short stress relief meditation where you raise your hands upward, forming a 60-degree angle between them. Palms should face forward, fingers spread, and hands and palms should be tense as much as possible. Close your eyes, breathe calmly and deeply. Exhale and relax. Repeat until you achieve a calm state. You can also find meditation recordings online, plug in your headphones, and relax, which can also help cope with stress.

5. Herbal Remedies: Nature’s Soothing Solutions

Some herbs help calm the nervous system naturally. It’s an effective and natural remedy. You can drink herbal teas throughout the day, replacing coffee and tea. Drinking herbal teas before bed helps reduce anxiety and overexcitement. Additionally, sage, St. John’s wort, and valerian root relieve irritation and act as natural antiseptics. However, consult a specialist before using them; not all herbs may benefit you.

6. Exercise: Movement for Mental Health

Any physical activity is a fantastic way to combat stress. Choose the type of exercise that suits your temperament and fitness level. During exercise, endorphins are released, responsible for a good mood. Even 30 minutes of daily physical activity reduces the level of the stress hormone cortisol. You’ll feel calm for several hours after exercising.

7. Social Connection: Finding Support in Others

Social isolation during stress is detrimental to a person. It’s best not to be alone with your thoughts. Psychologists believe that you should develop openness because shutting yourself off is not worth it; the situation may only worsen. Be open to your loved ones, share your experiences, and seek support. Expressing yourself is a good way to cope with stress.

8. Aromatherapy: Harnessing the Power of Scents

Inhaling essential oils greatly reduces psychoemotional tension, reduces stress, and improves brain blood circulation. Peppermint, lavender, and anise oils are perfect for this purpose. You can drop them on your pillow before sleep. Also, aromatherapy oils are used in the treatment of neuroses and help with insomnia.

9. Relaxing Music: Tuning into Tranquility

Listening to relaxing music helps reduce stress in everyday life and in some stressful situations. Classical or other soothing music before surgery is effective; it helps reduce cortisol and anxiety levels, blood pressure, and heart rate, leading to relaxation.

10. Quality Rest: The Ultimate Stress Buster

Often, stress arises from overexertion, high self-demands, information overload, and the endless daily race. In this case, quality rest helps. Take a day off, postpone all tasks, take a walk in nature, turn off your phone, organize your thoughts, and breathe out.

Expert Insights on Coping with Stress

Preventive Measures: Nurturing Wellness

To prevent stress, it’s essential to adhere to specific preventive measures: eat a balanced diet, avoid overeating, limit sweets and alcohol, and incorporate foods rich in fatty acids, magnesium, and vitamin B into your diet. It’s crucial to rest both mentally and physically, engage in creative activities, and ensure adequate sleep. Resilience to stress significantly increases when well-rested. It’s recommended to sleep 7–8 hours per night, and the timing of sleep also plays a role. Favorable hours for central nervous system restoration are from 10:00 PM to 6:00 AM.

Integrating physical activity into your life and limiting external information flow while trusting only reliable sources are valuable relaxation methods, notes Professor, MD, neurology expert.

According to practicing psychologist Lena Gizitdinova, understanding the source and duration of stress is crucial.

Once you’ve identified or suspected the cause, ask yourself:

  • What’s my influence on this factor?
  • What will help me solve it?
  • If the situation can’t be resolved yet, how can I cope with it?
  • What resources do I need, and where can I get them?

During severe stress, our bodies become depleted, so supporting them is crucial. Sleep, nutrition, body care, adequate physical activity — all contribute to the body’s recovery. Positive activities like socializing with friends also aid in stress management.

However, there are situations when our strength and resources are limited, and that’s normal. Each of us can sometimes struggle to cope with circumstances. In such cases, it’s essential to take even better care of yourself and seek help from a specialist — a psychologist or psychotherapist. A professional can help find stress coping strategies that suit you best.

Frequently Asked Questions

Professor, MD, neurology expert Rinat Gimranov, and practicing psychologist Lena Gizitdinova respond to our readers’ popular questions about stress.

How do you know if you’re experiencing severe stress?

  • When you encounter a stressful situation, your body reacts individually. Our brains are wired for three stress response modes: “fight,” “flight,” or “freeze.” You’ll either try to solve the problem (“fight”), avoid the stressful situation and hide (“flight”), or experience some form of paralysis, not knowing what to do (“freeze”). Each of us has adaptive mechanisms allowing us to endure stress. We can rely on our past experiences, seek help from loved ones, or wait out the situation.

Eustress — beneficial stress — is commonly experienced. Excitement before a performance or sports competition, attending a friend’s birthday party, taking an exam, getting married, or going on a first date are examples of eustress. Positive stress provides us with a charge of positive emotions. Organism functionality increases, and most importantly, we can easily live through and eliminate this stress.

However, severe stress or distress is an unfavorable situation. We face it when stress factors influence us for an extended period, and there’s no way to cope with them. Our bodies become depleted, nervous tension arises, and many bodily functions malfunction. Prolonged distress leads to various illnesses, such as neuroses and depression. Signs of distress may include increased fatigue, irritability, distracted attention, digestion problems, insomnia, decreased work capacity, pessimism, and a desire to isolate oneself.

How do you differentiate between stress and depression?

  • It’s essential to remember that depression isn’t merely a suppressed or apathetic state. If a depressive episode occurs, it requires treatment.

You may suspect depression if you experience the following symptoms persistently for more than two weeks:

  • Sleep disturbances (insomnia or, conversely, excessive sleep)
  • Eating disturbances (increased or decreased appetite)
  • Persistent negative thoughts
  • Decreased joy and pleasure (things that used to bring joy no longer do)
  • Desire to withdraw from society
  • Scatterbrained, forgetfulness
  • Tearfulness
  • Increased self-criticism and guilt
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Difficulty making decisions
  • Decreased libido
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Decreased self-esteem
  • Bodily pain

Signs of severe stress and depression can be confused. It’s essential to understand that if you’ve been feeling unwell for a long time, you should seek help from a psychiatrist or psychotherapist. A doctor will prescribe treatment and help you feel better. Depression won’t go away on its own; it requires treatment.

How does stress affect health?

  • Occasional minor stress isn’t a significant concern. However, chronic stress can cause or exacerbate many serious health problems, including:
  1. Mental health issues (depression and anxiety, sleep disturbances)
  2. Cardiovascular diseases (coronary heart disease, arrhythmias, hypertension)
  3. Obesity and other eating disorders
  4. Sexual dysfunction (erectile dysfunction in men, decreased libido in men and women)
  5. Skin and hair problems (acne, psoriasis, dermatitis, hair loss)
  6. Gastrointestinal disorders (GERD, gastritis, ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome)

Which doctor should you consult for stress?

  • If you or a loved one feels unable to cope with stress independently, don’t delay seeing a specialist. Assistance can be provided by a neurologist and psychotherapist.

NuviaLab Relax is a bioactive supplement designed to support a positive mood and emotional balance. The carefully formulated product helps to relax and maintain overall well-being. Additionally, the ingredients in NuviaLab Relax induce a sense of calmness, possess adaptogenic properties, support cognitive abilities, and contribute to improving sleep quality.

The effective action of NuviaLab Relax is the result of combining 10 natural ingredients with synergistic effects. Here you will find a standardized blend of Calmomix® extracts, Rhodiolife® rose root extract, magnesium, and B-group vitamins. This optimal combination of ingredients relaxes, uplifts mood, and promotes restorative sleep.

Explore the official website now to discover everything about the product that could transform your life!

Restilen is an effective way to combat stress. Its regular use helps to increase stress resilience, reduce symptoms of stress, fatigue, and exhaustion. The product is based on natural ingredients that act directly on the source of the problem.

Restilen is designed for men and women who have ever experienced stress, anxiety, or nervousness and want to get rid of it. Visible results can be noticed from the first day of use.

Explore the official website now to discover everything about the product that could transform your life!
