Fertility refers to the body’s ability to reproduce healthy offspring. Fertility is most often referred to when talking about female reproduction. Some women are able to have a baby without problems, while others face reproductive problems up to the inability to conceive naturally.

A woman’s body contains a certain number of eggs even before she is born. Throughout life there is a gradual decrease in the number of eggs, even if the woman does not give birth. If a woman does not become pregnant within a year of regular sexual intercourse without using contraception, there is a possibility of fertility problems.


A distinction is made between low, normal, and high female fertility. Female fertility is determined by three factors — the ability of the egg to fertilize, the ability to carry a fetus, and the ability to have a baby. If any one of these factors is absent, fertility is considered low. If these factors are present, fertility is considered normal. When fertility is high, it is possible to conceive, bear, and give birth without complications.


Let’s take a closer look at the causes that reduce fertility:
- Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) that eventually lead to infertility or fetal failure. For example, gonorrhea and chlamydia, which often cause fallopian tube obstruction;
- Diseases of the internal genital organs, represented by various chronic inflammatory processes in the pelvis, neoplasms of the ovaries, fallopian tubes and uterus, endometriosis, which lead to a violation of the process of ovulation and oocyte promotion to the uterus. Sometimes the female egg does not reach the uterine cavity because of the fallopian tubes obstruction, and cannot take root in the uterus itself because of an altered endometrium;
- Ovulation disorders: already at newborn age, the follicles of the ovaries contain about 400 oocytes. When menstruation begins, the follicles mature, usually one per cycle. Then the follicle bursts, the mature cell comes out of it, ending up in the Fallopian tube, through which it gradually moves to the uterus. The process of breaking the follicle and releasing the egg is ovulation. Ovulation can be absent or irregular if there is a hormonal disorder related to a problem with the production of sex hormones. The cause of hormonal changes may be long-term stress, abortions, injuries, various internal diseases. It is impossible to conceive without ovulation;
- Non-gynecological factors: One of the factors reducing female fertility is age. The probability of getting pregnant decreases with age. In addition, smoking addiction, alcohol abuse, poor environmental conditions, constant stress and improper diet leading to obesity or lack of weight have a negative impact.


To increase fertility, you need to give up bad habits — smoking, alcohol, psychotropic substances, energy drinks, sedentary lifestyle. All this becomes a way to accelerate the aging process of the body and cause deterioration of the ovaries. In addition, you should not abuse coffee, even if this drink becomes a way to wake up in the morning. Instead of coffee, you can drink green tea or black tea with the addition of lemon and honey. Women who want to increase their fertility should give up fast food, do not eat before going to bed at night, switch to a proper diet, pay attention to the composition of the products in the diet. Increase fertility is only possible, being in a calm benevolent atmosphere, which means that you need to avoid stressful situations, put aside all the household and financial problems, clear your mind of anxious thoughts.

And, of course, you can’t forget about the help you can get from medicine. A full medical examination by a doctor will allow the necessary treatment to be prescribed.

NuviaLab Female Fertility — Natural powerful support for female fertility

Product Description

Who is NuviaLab Female Fertility designed for?
The desire to become a mother is one of the most fundamental needs of many people around the world. However, these days, a huge number of different factors negatively affect female fertility, and the causes of these problems are mainly attributed to constant stress, a fast lifestyle or a late decision to become a mother.

What can you do to maximize your chances of getting pregnant? The answer is a healthy diet, an active lifestyle, and taking care of your body. NuviaLab Female Fertility is an active dietary supplement that will effectively supplement your diet with the components you need in the first place to maintain intimate activity and proper fertility. You can see for yourself its positive effectiveness and plan the next phase of your life with NuviaLab Female Fertility!

NuviaLab Female Fertility is a complex of carefully selected ingredients

Rosehip Fruit Extract

Rosehips are a veritable storehouse of vitamins, but they deserve special attention as the richest source of natural vitamin C. It is very important in the process of trying to have a baby, because a higher amount of ascorbic acid in the follicle Graaf promotes active increase in fertility. Also, it is necessary to maintain adequate immunity of the mother and the proper development of the fetus. Sufficient vitamin C in the diet prevents iron and calcium deficiencies, protects cells and DNA from oxidative damage and promotes proper collagen production.


Inositol, aka vitamin B8, is an ingredient that is mainly found in the form of myo-inositol in foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables, cereal products and milk. It plays a very important role in the body due to its involvement in metabolic processes and signaling pathways. Inositol supplementation is recommended for women with PCOS because of its action in regulating the activity of the hormones LSH and LH and increasing tissue sensitivity to insulin. Study 7 confirmed that by improving metabolic and endocrine parameters, the chances of getting pregnant are significantly increased.


Choline, also known as vitamin B4, is essential for normal body health. It participates in the proper metabolism of fats and homocysteine and supports normal liver function. Choline plays an important role in the normal development of the fetus, especially its neural tube and brain. Adequate amounts of choline in the diet improve placental function, benefiting vascularization and blood flow.

Vesicle Grass Extract

This algae is a natural source of a bioavailable form of iodine. Iodine is an important element for good health and fertility because it is involved in the production of thyroid hormones. It is also important for the health of the unborn child because it is necessary for the proper development of the skeleton and nervous system. The necessary amount of iodine in a pregnant woman’s diet is important because too little iodine causes negative consequences and is one of the most common causes of mental retardation.


Maca root extract containing the right amount of macamide. The maca root is one of the main exports of Peru and a real pride of local folk medicine, where it has been used for many hundreds of years as a healing root, a source of vitality and proper fertility. Local communities have used Macarade as an aphrodisiac for strong libido. In addition, the poppy root has quite strong antioxidant and adaptogenic effects, which is especially important when trying to have a baby.

Coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q10 (Ubiquinone) is a component of the antioxidant group that protects proteins, DNA and lipids from oxidative damage. As we age, and especially after age 30, its amount in the body steadily decreases and supplementation may be necessary. Coenzyme Q10 improves mitochondrial energy status and slows the age-related loss of ovarian follicles. It may have an indirect effect on increasing the chances of pregnancy in women over the age of 35.

Selenium SeLECT® 5000

It is L-selenomethionine, a unique form of selenium with increased bioavailability. Taking care of adequate selenium levels when trying to have a baby is extremely important because it prevents low birth weight babies and reduces the risk of miscarriage. In addition, it also protects cells from oxidants, helps maintain normal thyroid function and supports healthy nails and hair.

Vita Algae D

A high quality, ideal for vegans, natural source of vitamin D extracted from seaweed. Vitamin D is important for maintaining normal fertility, which has been confirmed in studies 8 , showing that couples with higher serum levels of it are more likely to get pregnant. Vitamin D plays a responsible role in regulating hormones, regulating the menstrual cycle, and slowing ovarian aging. In addition, doctors have proven that low levels of vitamin D can be associated with the development of endometriosis or PCOS syndrome.

Advifolate® 5000.

Folic acid with an increased rate of absorption. Folic acid should be taken throughout the entire period of trying to conceive. It is very important in the first weeks of pregnancy for the proper development of the baby’s nervous system, which is often still developing before we know we have conceived. In addition, it also promotes the growth of the mother’s tissues during pregnancy, participates in the process of cell division, and reduces the risk of neural tube defects in the child.

Vitamin and mineral complex

A rich complex of minerals and vitamins that includes: riboflavin, thiamin, niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, iron, zinc and vitamins B6, B12, E. It contains all the ingredients necessary for proper fertility, intimate activity and energy. In addition, they also help reduce feelings of fatigue and tiredness and maintain normal psychological functions.

NuviaLab Female Fertility is only available in the United States, Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, Spain, Italy, Norway, and Poland.

How do I purchase NuviaLab Female Fertility?
