How Can Early Male Pattern Baldness Be Treated?



The information in this article is provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-diagnosis and treatment. If symptoms of the condition appear, consult a doctor.

It is normal for an adult to lose about a hundred hairs a day. However, if the hair noticeably thins and starts falling out in larger quantities, and bald patches appear on the scalp, it is likely that there is already a pathological process called alopecia or hair loss.

Unfortunately, hair loss can affect not only men but also women, and it can occur at a fairly early age (in some cases, immediately after reaching sexual maturity). The common causes of early hair loss for both sexes can be divided into two groups:

Internal factors (these include autoimmune, hormonal disorders, and genetic predisposition);

External factors (these include various infections, chronic stress conditions, hair and scalp injuries, improper hair care, and tight hairstyles in women).

Additionally, early hair loss can be caused by various diseases (such as diabetes, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, thyroid gland) and/or the use of medications, such as antidepressants, beta-blockers, and some antibiotics.


For each gender, there are several additional factors that are most likely to cause hair loss at a young age. Yes, for men, these factors include:

Excessive physical exertion, which may include not only heavy physical work but also “overwork” in the gym;

Elevated testosterone levels in the body, especially with high sensitivity of hair follicles to male hormones.

Women can lose hair due to the following reasons:

Hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy and postpartum period; the amount of estrogen in a pregnant woman’s body increases, which makes the hair thicker, but after childbirth, this hormone “drops,” leading to temporary hair loss;

In some cases, the use of hormonal oral contraceptives, as well as their sudden discontinuation.

In later life, menopausal hair loss can also be a cause of hair loss in women. In this case, as after pregnancy, hair loss occurs due to a decrease in the level of the estrogen hormone.

One of the common causes of hair loss in youth is heredity. The baldness gene is inherited from both the paternal and maternal lines.

Another common type of hair loss is androgenetic alopecia. According to recent studies, the “culprit” here is a special hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT) — a derivative of testosterone. Androgenetic alopecia is usually found in men, but with hormonal imbalance and increased testosterone levels, it can also affect women.

Lack of nutrients can also significantly thin the hair — therefore, neither men nor women are recommended to follow too strict and mono diets, depriving their bodies of vitamins and essential amino acids. However, an excess of certain vitamins, especially vitamin A, can also cause uncontrolled hair loss.


Preventive measures against hair loss should be taken constantly, without waiting for the first signs, especially if it is known that you have a genetic predisposition to baldness.

Prevention may include a whole complex of measures, the most effective of which are:

Stimulating scalp massage for better blood supply to hair follicles;

Balanced nutrition with a normal diet regime;

Giving up bad habits will help significantly strengthen and revive the hair;

Full sleep;

Regular physical activity, but without breaking records;

Hygiene and hair care using products suitable for your hair type.

And of course, try to avoid stress, although this is quite difficult in our time.

However, if, despite the measures taken, the hair still begins to thin and fall out in much larger quantities than usual, it is necessary to consult a specialist: a trichologist, dermatologist, endocrinologist. Such doctors conduct consultations at the Oxford Medical Clinic, successfully solving the problem of early hair loss in both men and women.

Depending on the diagnosis made, pathological hair loss is corrected by one or several modern methods, including:

Hormone therapy;



Professional massages using therapeutic topical preparations;

Oral medications.

Under no circumstances should self-medication be practiced without making a diagnosis, as such “blind therapy” can worsen the situation and, in some cases, even lead to irreversible hair loss.

Folicerin is a modern shampoo designed for men to combat hair loss. Its cosmetic formula aids in preventing baldness, thickens and strengthens new hair strands, improves scalp microcirculation, and provides thorough cleansing and care.

Folicerin is gentle and safe for the skin, making it suitable for daily use. The encapsulation of shampoo ingredients, consisting of biopolymer particles with a diameter of over 200 nm, ensures the stabilization of sensitive active substances, enhancing their effectiveness. This product is innovative, sparking significant interest among men.

Explore the official website now to discover everything about the product that could transform your life!

Folisin is a hair loss supplement for men. The formulation of the supplement includes a total of 13 ingredients that inhibit baldness, support hair growth, and positively influence the condition of the scalp, creating an ideal environment for new hair growth. It is important to note that all ingredients used in the tablets are safe for the body and do not cause any side effects.

The bioactive supplement Folisin provides the body with a range of essential nutrients, the deficiency of which is one of the reasons for hair loss. Regular use of the supplement counteracts this process and promotes hair regrowth in areas where hair has already fallen out, such as the crown or temple of the head. Additionally, Folisin helps maintain an optimal level of testosterone in the blood and positively affects pigmentation, allowing for the maintenance of your hair’s natural color.

Explore the official website now to discover everything about the product that could transform your life!
