LactiFresh gel: is this natural product a scam? Reviews, opinions and official website

LactiFresh Gel is a natural product that helps to improve the health of intimate areas, prevent vaginal discomfort and unpleasant odors.

Organic, gentle and hypoallergenic gel with a high lactic acid content, designed to restore the pH of women’s intimate areas, moisturize them and give a long-lasting feeling of freshness.

LactiFresh gel works and is a reliable assistant in intimate hygiene care, soothes irritations and prevents infections.

What is LactiFresh Gel?

LactiFresh Gel is a topical cosmetic product created from natural substances, ideal for daily use and does not require a doctor’s prescription. Designed to protect the health of the genital system and alleviate intimate discomfort, it can be purchased online without a prescription.

Female genitalia have an acidic pH, the value of the latter tends to change during life, especially during menstrual cycles, pregnancy or illness. Changes in pH lead to vaginal dryness, odor, burning, inflammation, redness, loss and increase the risk of infections.

LactiFresh gel aims to restore the acidity of the vaginal walls and rebalance the bacterial flora.

Check out the LactiFresh gel offer on the official website


LactiFresh Gel has a dermatologically tested formula composed mainly of lactic acid and fresh aloe vera leaf juice.

The former is an organic compound from the alpha-hydroxy acid family that is naturally produced by the body, particularly by lactobacilli, probiotic bacteria found in the female genitalia that prevent the overgrowth of pathogens.

The function of lactic acid is to create a protective barrier on the vaginal mucous membranes, protecting them from invasion by fungi and bacteria and restoring the correct pH of the skin, which should be between 3.6 and 4.5. Too high or too low acidity values lead to intimate infections, itching, pruritic discharge and physiological imbalance.

The lactic acid contained in LactiFresh Gel combats any deficiency and maintains a constant pH of the vagina, protecting it from irritation, inflammation, formation of unpleasant odors and increasing intimate comfort even during intercourse.

Fresh aloe leaf juice contains active ingredients with antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties and is an effective natural remedy to counteract the discomfort associated with infections and inflammation of the intimate mucous membranes.

The polysaccharides present in aloe stimulate the activity of macrophages, tissue mononuclear cells whose task is to strengthen the body’s immune defense and regenerate irritated or damaged mucous membranes. The juice has not only soothing properties in the presence of redness and itching, but also moisturizes and refreshes.

Check out the LactiFresh gel offer on the official website

Why to use LactiFresh gel

Tight clothes, clothes made of synthetic and non-breathable materials, too aggressive detergents, cosmetics with a pH factor not suitable for the mucous membranes of the genitals, intensive sexual activity, menstrual irregularities, chronic diseases, overweight and taking antidepressants or hormonal contraceptives can cause intimate rearrangement of the bacterial microflora and the formation of pathogens that can even cause serious problems. Symptoms of these ailments include burning, itching, swelling, yellow discharge and unpleasant odor, intimate dryness and pain.

LactiFresh gel is designed to relieve discomfort and create a protective barrier to increase intimate comfort and prevent infections.

Intimate wellbeing is essential for a woman’s health, to protect the genital system from discomfort and disease, in addition to choosing cosmetic products with natural ingredients such as LactiFresh Gel, it is important to follow some rules such as:

wear underwear made of natural fibers that help the skin to breathe;
avoid pants, jeans and leggings that are too tight;
use gentle detergents and products that respect the pH of mucous membranes;
change pads frequently;
dry intimate areas well after showering or bathing;
maintain a thorough daily hygiene routine.

Check out the LactiFresh gel offer on the official website

The results obtained

The intimate gel can be used by women of all ages, from teenagers to mature women. Particularly indicated in pregnancy and menopause, it is also believed to be particularly effective in combating discomfort associated with hormonal changes, low immune defense or taking hormonal contraceptives that cause dryness or pH changes that increase the risk of infections.

Those who frequently go to the pool or play sports are advised to use LactiFresh Gel to prevent irritation and redness.

How to use LactiFresh Gel?

LactiFresh Gel can be applied once or twice a day. To do this, simply take a small dose of the product with a special pump and gently massage the outer part of the genitals until it is completely absorbed.

Check out the LactiFresh gel offer on the official website


LactiFresh Gel is sold exclusively online at an affordable price, with discounts and free packs available if you buy several products together.

The price of LactiFresh Gel can be viewed directly on the website of the manufacturer, who, without using intermediaries, offers it at a lower price than what you could ask for in a pharmacy or other retail outlet.

It is a product with an excellent price/quality ratio, which represents a real investment in improving your intimate health. The product can be ordered from Italy and abroad by choosing one of three promotional packs:

Basic: 1 pack lasts for a month;
Standard: 2 packs plus 1 free;
Optimal: 3 packs plus 6 free.

Where to buy it?

Gel LactiFresh can be purchased on the website of the manufacturer , filling out a form with data and delivery address, order it and receive it at home, paying the cost of delivery. The product can not be found in any physical store, much less in various online stores, so it is recommended to be wary of its presence in channels other than the official sales channel.

Order placement is quite simple and intuitive. As for payment, this can be done in a completely safe way with major credit cards or cash on delivery. The latter occurs within 2 working days . An important aspect is that the product is delivered in discreet packaging that does not allow you to understand its contents.

Check out the LactiFresh gel offer on the official website

Customer reviews of LactiFresh Gel

According to reviews, LactiFresh gel has a delicate formula that prevents the formation of unpleasant odors, relieves burning or discomfort in intimate areas and gives a pleasant feeling of freshness that lasts throughout the day.

The product, which is easy to apply, has no contraindications and can be used every day to complete the intimate routine. LactiFresh gel reviews are more than positive, especially regarding its effectiveness and immediate relief from burning or itching.

Women who have tried this product consider it a reliable ally in the fight against infections and, above all, in the prevention of bad odor.

  • Carla, 28 years old: after searching for chemical-free products to care for her intimate hygiene, I found in LactiFresh an effective natural product to moisturize the intimate areas and fight the symptoms of vaginal dryness with significant benefits for her sexual life as well.
  • Giovanna, 45: A friend recommended LactiFresh to me to relieve intimate burning that had been going on for several days. After applying the gel, I immediately felt relief and freshness, and after a couple of days all intimate ailments disappeared.
  • Sylvia, 58: Menopause caused me various discomforts, including smelly discharge and frequent bacterial infections due to hormonal imbalance, which changed the pH of the mucous membranes and lowered the immune system. LactiFresh gel helped me fight odors and improve intimate comfort, which had a positive effect on my mood as well.

Check out the LactiFresh gel offer on the official website