Prostan Plus is a natural supplement for prostate health and performance.


Men can suffer from many ailments, and middle-aged or slightly older men are particularly prone to them. One of the ailments that they start complaining about is a prostate problem, which most often manifests itself as an enlargement of this important gland. This is why it is important to take care of it throughout life with appropriate prevention . Prostan Plus is a dietary supplement in capsules, the composition of which is 100% natural.

What’s a prostate?

We will soon look at the effectiveness and the different ingredients of the capsules. First of all, it is worth knowing what the prostate is and what important functions it performs in the male body. The prostate gland, also called the prostate gland , is a small organ that is only 3.5–4 centimeters long and only 2.5 centimeters high and wide.

The prostate gland, which we will take care of with the help of Prostan Plus capsules, is located in a specific place . It is located in the lower part of the pelvis, just below the bladder , and rests with its posterior part in the area of the rectum . The fact that the urethra passes through the middle of the prostate is very important for the urinary system, which can sometimes lead to health complications.

What are the functions of the prostate in the male body and what diseases is it susceptible to?

No man should underestimate the importance of the prostate, as it performs many important functions, of course, when functioning smoothly. Among the most important functions, experts say

  • The production of the fluid that makes up sperm, or spermatozoa, so that spermatozoa can move and are supplied with nutrients to, among other things, increase their motility and viability;
  • participation in the process of ejaculation, that is, the ejaculation of semen, which is made possible by contractions of the smooth muscles located precisely around the prostate.
    The proper functioning of the prostate gland is also essential for maintaining the health of the urinary system . This includes problems with urination and kidney function, which are also treated with the active ingredients in Prostan Plus. Particularly troublesome conditions include:
  • -Prostate inflammation, acute, with very severe symptoms, and chronic, when it persists for at least three months, caused by hormonal disorders and autoimmune diseases, less often by bacterial infections;
  • enlarged prostate , more often when the organ exceeds its normal size, which also affects the urinary system, causing pressure on the urethra and bladder, urinary incontinence, difficulty urinating, burning and pain at the level of the perineum;
  • Prostate cancer , the most serious and often fatal disease that should be avoided.



Prostan Plus — works thanks to the power of 11 active ingredients.

The effectiveness of this dietary supplement for men with prostate and urinary tract problems is based on 11 ingredients. They are natural and have no side effects , but it is worth checking beforehand if you are not individually allergic to any of these substances. Each capsule of Prostan Plus contains

A unique extract of the serenoa palm or sabal palm. Almost 45% of the composition of this plant is made up of valuable fatty acids. It also provides the weakened prostate with vitamin A, vitamin E, coenzyme Q10, phytosterols and flavonoids. The function of USPlus® is to:

  • block the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a harmful variety that can cause prostate growth;
  • reduce the frequency of urination;
  • strengthen and improve the function of the entire urinary system.

It is a black pepper husk extract containing piperine, an alkaloid with health benefits. This includes a powerful antioxidant that eliminates carcinogenic free radicals, has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, supports liver function, strengthens the immune system and improves absorption of other active ingredients in this dietary supplement.

Contains up to 20% beta-sitosterols supported by B vitamins: thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pyridoxine (B4) and vitamin C (B5). (B3), pyridoxine (B6), folic acid (B9), vitamins C, E and K, as well as zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium, calcium and iron. These elements give pumpkin seeds and Prostan Plus their properties:

  • to help prevent prostate overgrowth;
  • inhibit the conversion of testosterone to DHT;
  • improve urination and urine flow.

The most important is the presence of 4% polyphenols in the composition, as well as many vitamins and mineral salts, which are necessary even to strengthen weakened health. Its action can be characterized as global and is reduced in these capsules to

  • support kidney function, thanks to its diuretic action;
  • reduce edema caused by excessive water retention in the body;
  • alleviate symptoms of urinary tract infection and enlarged prostate.

The therapeutic properties of this Prostan Plus ingredient are also due to its exceptional wealth of nutritional compounds, mainly vitamin A, B vitamins, vitamins C and E, dietary fiber and salts of phosphorus, iodine, silicon, magnesium, potassium and calcium. Thanks to these elements, pomegranate has powerful effects:

  • anti-inflammatory, reducing inflammation of the urinary tract;
  • antioxidant, helping to eliminate reactive oxygen species, i.e. free radicals;
  • homeostatic, restoring the body’s internal balance;
  • prevent possible prostate health problems.

This ingredient is also impeccable; it is widely used in phytotherapy, primarily for almost all prostate-related conditions. The proof of this is its active compounds such as quercetin, linolenic acid, stearic acid, kaempferol or sitosterols, which give cypress its properties:

  • improve urine outflow;
  • reduce the frequency of urination;
  • antioxidant and anti-inflammatory;
  • blocking enzymes responsible for prostate hypertrophy.

An exceptionally broad-acting compound to support weakened male health on many levels, rich in tannins, fatty and phenolic acids and phytosterols. This composition automatically leads to beneficial effects:

  • acceleration of the regeneration of the prostatic epithelium;
  • reduce inflammation of the urinary tract;
  • help to counteract the overgrowth of the prostate;
  • contribute to the maintenance of good health of the entire genitourinary tract.

Tomato fruit extract is the latest plant-based ingredient present in Prostan Plus dietary supplement. Tomato, tasty and popular, contains many substances that help to revitalize weakened individuals. The vitamins and minerals contained in the recommended doses will have positive effects, among other things:

  • reduce the risk of prostate cancer
  • get rid of dangerous free radicals;
  • anti-inflammatory and anti-proliferative effects;
  • clean the body of toxins thanks to its diuretic effect.

The effectiveness of these capsules in strengthening the prostate gland and weakened male urinary tract is greatly enhanced by additional enriched doses of the vitamins and minerals they contain, such as

  • Vitamin E, an exceptionally powerful antioxidant that protects body cells from damage caused by oxidative stress, alleviates the most unpleasant symptoms of prostate hypertrophy, and strengthens the heart, circulatory system and immune system;
  • Zinc, one of the most important elements for maintaining good health, supporting our natural immunity, and protecting the prostate and urinary tract from disease. zinc, one of the most important elements for maintaining good health, supporting our natural immunity, and protecting the prostate and urinary tract from disease; zinc regulates the body’s hormonal balance, including the production of testosterone, the most important male hormone, also responsible for fertility;
  • leselenium in the form of the unique patented formula SeleniumSeLECT®, which effectively reduces prostate inflammation, lowers the risk of prostate cancer and participates in the process of sperm production.

Prostan Plus — reviews of men satisfied with its action in general

Such a thorough composition of the dietary supplement for men who want to improve the health of their prostate and urinary tract, should bring great effectiveness . This is confirmed by the opinions of experts in this matter and, above all, satisfied men who have stopped complaining about the ailments that tormented them until now. In their reviews, they emphasize the following advantages of Prostan Plus :

  • no problems with urination;
  • less pressure on the bladder, especially at night;
  • maintaining normal prostate function and health;
  • increased efficiency of renal excretion;
  • expressed anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects;
  • bigger vitality and maintenance of full sexual capacity;
  • improved fertility;
  • easy to use, just take 2 capsules a day to get the full effect;
  • 100% natural composition, clinically tested, lactose-free, gluten-free and non-GMO.

Prostan Plus — how to buy this nutritional supplement?

To buy this nutritional supplement, you just need to visit the manufacturer’s website and place an order there using the contact form. It is worth hurrying to take advantage of current promotions and the opportunity to choose up to three packages, differing not only in price, but also in the number of packages they contain.

The order is processed as soon as it is placed and the package is delivered to the recipient within 2–3 working days, always in discreet packaging that protects the contents. You can choose between several forms of payment at the same time, as well as shipping abroad, almost anywhere in the world.