Can menopause symptoms start at 40?


How does menopause affect a woman’s life? How is it different from menopause?

Menopause (climacteric syndrome) is a physiological process in which significant changes occur in a woman’s body. Menopause usually occurs in women aged 45–55 years.

In the female reproductive system, even before the moment of birth, a certain number of follicles (a structural component consisting of an egg) are genetically laid, in which the sex hormones necessary for a woman — estrogen and progesterone — are produced.

From the moment of the girl’s first menstruation, these follicles begin to be consumed until their number decreases completely. Just at this time, the ovarian failure begins and, as a result, an age-related deficiency of estrogen and progesterone occurs.

These hormones play an important role in many processes of the female body: they are involved in the regulation of the menstrual cycle, fat metabolism, maintain bone density, prevent the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels, etc.

Due to changes in the endocrine system, the following symptoms of menopause can be observed: headaches, frequent hot flashes, drowsiness, tachycardia, etc. Changes in the nervous system also occur — a woman is stressed and often irritated.

Menopause is the last independent menstruation, followed by a “pause” in the form of no menstruation for 12 months. The average age of menopause is 48–50 years. Clinically, menopause is subdivided according to the time of onset into premature (up to 40 years), early (40–45 years), timely (46–54 years), and late (over 55 years).

Symptoms of menopause by time of onset:

  • Early symptoms (vasomotor, psycho-emotional — hot flashes, sweating, decreased mood, apathy, irritability)
  • Medium-term (genitourinary menopausal syndrome — frequent urination, dryness of the vulva, itching and burning, cracks in the perineum, atrophic skin changes)
  • Late (metabolic disorders — atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, coronary heart disease, dyslipidemia; musculoskeletal — osteoporosis; neurological — decreased cognitive function, memory, vision)

Signs and symptoms during menopause can be different for every woman. One of the main signs of the transition period is a change in the nature of the menstrual cycle (irregular menstruation, abnormal uterine bleeding). Despite this, pregnancy is still possible.

Treatment of menopause (menopause) should be started already in the presence of moderate menopausal symptoms. In the treatment, menopausal hormone therapy is used, which supports the hormonal function of the ovaries. The main thing is to consult a gynecologist for the timely prevention and treatment of symptoms of menopause and menopause.


The main reason for the development of menopause are hormonal disorders. With age, changes occur in the endocrine system, which gradually leads to a decrease in ovarian function and to insufficient production of the hormone estrogen. The hormone estrogen is responsible for the functioning of the female reproductive function. A decrease in the hormone during menopause causes symptoms such as hot flashes, apathy, depression, irritability, etc.

Symptoms of menopause (menopause)

The main symptoms of menopause are:

  • Hot flashes — a sudden onset of a feeling of heat in the chest, neck and face. During the tide, the heart rate increases and sweating increases. Typically, the tide can take anywhere from a few minutes to an hour;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Tachycardia (rapid heartbeat);
  • Headache;
  • Insomnia;
  • Apathy;
  • weight gain;
  • Nervousness;
  • Depression;
  • Hair loss;
  • Dry skin;
  • Appearance changes;
  • Sexual dysfunction (pain during intercourse, decreased libido);
  • Muscle pain;
  • Pain in the joints;
  • Decreased memory;
  • Frequent cystitis, urinary incontinence with little physical exertion.

Menopausal syndrome cannot be avoided, but timely consultation with a gynecologist and individually selected hormone therapy will alleviate the symptoms of menopause with minimal health risk.


Preventive examinations 2 times a year by a gynecologist are recommended for all women after 45 years. At a face-to-face appointment, the doctor assesses the patient’s state of health and prescribes the necessary instrumental and laboratory tests. The results of the examination will help to most accurately identify violations of the reproductive system and exclude the presence of diseases progressing during menopause (osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases). If necessary, a gynecologist will be able to choose a treatment regimen (menopausal hormone therapy) to prevent and reduce the symptoms of menopause.

Diagnostics includes:

  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs (to assess the state of the internal structures of the reproductive system);
  • Mammography is scheduled once a year for every woman. It is prescribed according to the testimony of a gynecologist.

Lab tests:

  • Blood test for hormones (appointed by the attending physician);
  • Blood chemistry;
  • Histological scraping;
  • Cytological examination;
  • Examination of a smear for microflora.

The FSCC FMBA has developed a comprehensive menopause prevention program “Keep Youthful”. We recommend that you go through such a program for the purpose of preventive examination. Within the framework of the program, diagnostics will be carried out and recommendations will be given aimed at preventing possible complications in menopause. Following the advice of a doctor, the symptoms of the menopause will not cause severe discomfort, and this stage of life will be passed without complications.

For women during menopause, according to the results of research and laboratory tests, a gynecologist together with an endocrinologist, if necessary, will select a comprehensive treatment with hormone therapy.


Menopause is not a sentence, but a period in the life of every woman. Nowadays, it is possible to follow simple rules for the prevention of menopause: monitor your health — engage in light sports, lead a healthy lifestyle, control weight and monitor nutrition. Such prevention in combination with drug therapy will give the best results in the process of menopause.

Menopausal hormone therapy for menopause is prescribed when complaints appear that reduce the quality of life of a woman. In hormonal therapy, natural estrogens and their analogues are prescribed in a mandatory combination with progesterones, as well as combined preparations.

Hormone therapy is aimed at reducing menopausal symptoms, it has a positive effect on health in autonomic disorders (hot flashes and increased sweating). Treatment with menopausal hormone therapy requires a responsible approach to achieve a positive result.

The best natural bioactive supplement for menopausal women

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