Why is cholesterol level high


Elevated cholesterol: the reasons for the increase, in what diseases occurs, diagnosis and treatment.


Cholesterol is an alcohol molecule, soluble in fats, and is a very important element of cell membranes, a precursor of hormones. However, as Paracelsus said, “Everything is a poison and everything is a cure, only the dose makes it one or the other.” This is also true for cholesterol. High cholesterol levels in the blood lead to many diseases, and it is important to control cholesterol levels in order to prevent, first of all, cardiovascular pathology.

The presence of problems with fat metabolism in the body may be indicated by specific external manifestations: subcutaneous deposits of cholesterol under the skin of the eyelids (xanthelasma) and in the area of the passage of the tendons (xanthoma), you can also find cholesterol deposits in the form of a grayish-white rim on the cornea edges.

Types of elevated cholesterol

Cholesterol is an indicator of the metabolism of fats in the body, and it is important to assess its level in conjunction with other indicators of the lipid (fat) spectrum of the blood.

Depending on the ratio of cholesterol and other blood fats, there are several phenotypes of dyslipidemia (fat metabolism disorders):

I phenotype — cholesterol levels are normal or slightly elevated, while triglyceride levels are very high;

IIa phenotype — cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein levels are elevated. This phenotype and all the subsequent ones have a different degree of atherogenicity, that is a factor in the development of atherosclerosis;

II b phenotype — in addition to increased blood cholesterol levels, triglycerides and low and very low density lipoproteins (LDL and VLDL) are also increased;

III phenotype — characterized by increased levels of triglycerides, cholesterol and intermediate density lipoproteins (IDL);

IV phenotype — predominantly elevated levels of HDL and triglycerides;

V phenotype — levels of cholesterol, triglycerides, chylomicrons and VLDL are significantly elevated.

This classification allows the doctor to interpret the results of the lipidogram and makes it possible to make the right decision on the prescription of lipid-lowering therapy. 


 Lipid Control Plus is a multicomponent bioactive supplement for those who want to comprehensively take care of their cholesterol levels, a healthy liver and their cardiovascular system. The product is based on 8 natural ingredients.

Regular use of Lipid Control Plus helps to take care of your lipid profile. The product supports the detoxification and flow of gastric juices. Lipid Control Plus prevents the accumulation of fats and improves their elimination by the liver. Consumers are sure to appreciate the fact that the product supports heart health and proper liver function.

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Possible causes of elevated blood cholesterol levels

Lipid metabolism in the body is disturbed due to three groups of factors:

  • Hereditary predisposition combined with adverse environmental factors.
  • Secondary dyslipidemias — disorders of fat metabolism that occur in various diseases.
  • Alimentary dyslipidemias — changes in the balance of fats, directly dependent on dietary patterns.

Doctors most often encounter alimentary hypercholesterolemia, which is primarily observed in the first day after eating a large amount of fatty and fried food.

If large amounts of fats are eaten regularly, permanent hypercholesterolemia occurs.

Primary dyslipidemia is caused by a parental gene mutation that is inherited and causes abnormal synthesis and use of cholesterol in the body.

Thyroid disease is one of the leading causes of secondary dyslipidemia. Hypothyroidism decreases T3 hormone, which leads to decreased formation of LDL receptors and decreased utilization of cholesterol encapsulated in the LDL molecule. Diabetes mellitus also disrupts cholesterol metabolism in the body — blood glucose levels increase, and its utilization comes at the expense of fat metabolism, changing the balance of this system.

Cholesterol is involved in the formation of bile acids, so when the outflow of bile is disturbed, for example in gallstone disease, there is an accumulation of “unused” cholesterol in the blood.

The opposite situation may occur in liver function disorders (cirrhosis, hepatitis) — cholesterol synthesis decreases, and the blood shows a state of hypocholesterolemia.

Taking some medications (beta-blockers, glucocorticosteroids, some diuretics, estrogens, immunosuppressants) leads to an increase in blood cholesterol levels.

Arterial hypertension is also a factor that affects fat metabolism in the body and increases the risk of atherosclerosis. There is damage to the vascular wall, where “warrior cells” — macrophages — rush in. If cholesterol and other lipid fractions are high, lipid capture by these cells occurs. The “fed” cells linger in the vascular wall and gradually form an atherosclerotic plaque.

Metabolic syndrome is another pathological condition that includes elevated blood cholesterol levels. Metabolic syndrome is a complex of metabolic and hormone regulation disorders including abdominal obesity, insulin resistance, arterial hypertension and atherogenic dyslipidemia (II-V dyslipidemia phenotype).

The development of metabolic syndrome entails many other pathologies: coronary heart disease, severe obesity, type 2 diabetes, stroke, thrombosis, infertility.

What doctors should I go to if my cholesterol is high?

Elevated cholesterol is a pathological symptom and needs to be seen by a doctor — first and foremost, a general practitioner to identify the causes of this condition. Your doctor will prescribe the necessary laboratory and instrumental examinations and refer you to specialists, including a cardiologist, endocrinologist and gastroenterologist.

Lipid Control Plus is a multicomponent bioactive supplement for those who want to comprehensively take care of their cholesterol levels, a healthy liver and their cardiovascular system. The product is based on 8 natural ingredients.

Regular use of Lipid Control Plus helps to take care of your lipid profile. The product supports the detoxification and flow of gastric juices. Lipid Control Plus prevents the accumulation of fats and improves their elimination by the liver. Consumers are sure to appreciate the fact that the product supports heart health and proper liver function.

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Diagnostics and examinations for elevated cholesterol

Determining the cause of an elevated cholesterol level is possible only with the help of laboratory research methods. The presence of xanthomas and xanthelasm, as well as the appearance of symptoms of atherosclerosis and its consequences — coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis of the arteries of the lower extremities — may be used to suspect elevated cholesterol levels. Depending on the symptoms, the doctor may prescribe a set of laboratory and instrumental methods of examination:

blood chemistry (blood glucose levels, cholesterol levels, very low, low and high density lipoproteins, blood electrolytes — potassium, sodium, calcium, creatinine levels, liver enzymes — ALT and AST, CPK (19) levels of total and direct bilirubin). Cholesterol levels should be checked in children from the age of two, if there is a family predisposition to elevated cholesterol levels;

What to do if you have high cholesterol

The most important point is to normalize or at least reduce body weight in persons with any degree of obesity.

Particular attention is paid to the diet. When formulating the diet, the intensity of physical activity and the amount of calories needed to restore energy balance are taken into account. The diet must contain an adequate amount of the main elements — proteins, fats and carbohydrates, must be rich in minerals and vitamins, and contain sufficient energy value in accordance with physical activity. The diet for elevated cholesterol levels should be with a restriction of animal fats and fried foods. It is desirable to replace meat with fish, and preference should be given to sea fish (it should be present in the menu at least once a week), as it contains a large amount of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which contribute to the normalization of lipid metabolism and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

The main part of the diet should consist of fresh fruits and vegetables rich in fiber. It is important to limit alcohol consumption, because it increases blood triglyceride levels and damages the vascular wall.

It is recommended to lead an active lifestyle: go for a walk in the fresh air for at least half an hour every day and do light exercises. If the reason for the increase in cholesterol is taking medication, it is necessary to see a doctor in charge for the correction of therapy.

Treatment of high cholesterol

Currently, statins are the most effective in the fight against high levels of cholesterol and other lipids. These drugs reduce the intensity of cholesterol formation in the liver and the sensitivity of receptors to cholesterol transporters on the surface of cells, which leads to a decrease in both total blood cholesterol and LDL and LDL-C. However, at the beginning of therapy, the tolerability of statins should be monitored — for this purpose, liver enzymes (ALT, AST, CPK) should be tested once a month.

If statins are intolerant or to intensify therapy, it is advisable to prescribe bile acid withdrawal medications.

In some cases, to achieve the target cholesterol level, patients are prescribed several medications.


The information in this section should not be used for self-diagnosis and self-treatment. In case of pain or other exacerbation of the disease, diagnostic tests should only be prescribed by your physician. For diagnosis and correct prescription of treatment you should contact your attending physician.
For a correct evaluation of your test results over time, it is preferable to have tests done in the same laboratory, since different laboratories may use different testing methods and units of measurement for the same tests.

Lipid Control Plus is a multicomponent bioactive supplement for those who want to comprehensively take care of their cholesterol levels, a healthy liver and their cardiovascular system. The product is based on 8 natural ingredients.

Regular use of Lipid Control Plus helps to take care of your lipid profile. The product supports the detoxification and flow of gastric juices. Lipid Control Plus prevents the accumulation of fats and improves their elimination by the liver. Consumers are sure to appreciate the fact that the product supports heart health and proper liver function.

Lipid Control Plus Review (reviews, how to buy)
