Top drugs for performance


In 1896, the first Olympic record in the 100 meters was set. It took Thomas Burke 12 seconds. Today such results are considered excellent for high school and college students. And while a person’s physical parameters change gradually on average, the development of the brain and intellect moves at an increased pace.

It is accepted that we live in an ordinary world, and our body adapts to new challenges and tests on its own. But, ever since man picked up a stick, we have tended to use tools to achieve new possibilities and greater results. So it’s not surprising that a man who makes his money with his mind would seek out his own top performance drugs.

Disclamer: I do not recommend taking prescription drugs or drugs that are illegal in any state. They don’t answer the question of how to work efficiently. Before using any medication, consult your physician. The article is for informational purposes only, revealing the biomechanics of the brain.

How to ensure the maintenance of high performance with natural remedies

Anything that is in your regular consumption zone is considered natural. Coffee, tea, supplements like GABA that you take regularly. Maybe a change in your diet or a change in the same rhythms of the day. In general, anything that requires only an inner resource and a willingness to change for the better.

Fundamental Rebuilding. Lifestyle and daily rituals

Our body lives on the basis of biorhythms. There is a small department in the brain called the epiphysis. It is a gland that secretes melatonin, also called the sleep hormone. In fact, the concentration of this neurohormone determines our circadian and ultradian rhythms, as well as determining the specifics of growing up.

Along with this, the body is evolutionarily oriented to adapt to the external environment. First it learns and gets used to something new, and then it tries to put the achieved system of behavior on stream; this is how the self-development subsystem works. And this is reflected in the fluctuation of neurohormones throughout the day. Roughly speaking, all the top performance drugs are independently synthesized in the body. You just have to know which periods:

Morning. the rise of cortisol and dopamine. Cortisol helps you wake up and get into alert mode. This is especially aided by a drop in ambient temperature. A cool 1 to 3 minute shower, open windows. Along with cortisol, norepinephrine will also jump up, automatically deciding how to increase concentration. This means that the body will finally wake up and perk up.

It’s too early to induce a dopamine increase. The worst thing to do in the early morning is to have a cup of coffee. It would be better to wait 90 minutes after waking up and only then catch up on this wonderful drink. Why 90 minutes? That’s about how long ultradian rhythms — small intervals of specific activity — last. Sleep phases, periods of efficiency, time for lunch. We will return to them in the material.

It is better to replace morning coffee with bright sunlight. Or in general to the light. It will naturally raise dopamine levels and raise cortisol a little, and help to dispose of melatonin residues. It is for this reason that it is best to avoid bright light closer to bedtime, and to use melatonin for sleep to adapt for flights or shifting schedules.

During the daytime Cortisol levels slowly decrease and serotonin and dopamine levels increase. Leave the most “burning” things for the morning. And in the second half of the day it is better to transfer routine and not strenuous work, the principles of stoicism tell about it, through the system of erecting personal boundaries and rules. Of course, this is in ideal circumstances. And in bureaucracy and hectic work, follow a simple principle: if a new task came in the morning — take on it in the afternoon. If the task comes in the afternoon — carry it over to the next day.

In the evening, melatonin and serotonin begin to increase. The body relaxes to the maximum, and it is better not to interfere with this process. Gradually reduce the amount of light and minimize the release of dopamine. Personal effectiveness is not needed right now. It is better to leave it until the next morning.

Synchronized work of the body is important to maintain a unified and holistic mechanism of performance. Suffering from lack of sleep on weekdays and trying to get enough sleep on weekends is not the best way to improve concentration. Such a decision only worsens the quality of sleep and loses the day’s productivity.

The only problem is that all these little rituals add up as if by themselves within our hectic weekdays. And in order to change them even one iota, we have to do almost titanic work on ourselves, digging through the whole algorithm of the daily routine. After that, only some people still have the motivation to self-development.

GOAT Stamina is a modern, multi-component bioactive supplement for players. Thanks to the appropriate combination of ingredients, the product reduces the feeling of fatigue without causing irritation, which often occurs with coffee or energy drinks.

A great advantage of GOAT Stamina is its effect time, which can last up to 6 hours from consumption! The product contains no sugar and does not cause the “caffeine crash” effect. GOAT Stamina supports concentration and cognitive functions, helps you pay attention and focus, and improves mood and productive thinking!

GOAT Stamina Bioactive Energy Review (reviews, how to buy)

How to ensure the maintenance of high efficiency by improvised means

Along with our willpower and the brain’s neurotransmitters, there are a number of tools at our fingertips. The only problem is that no one knows how to use them properly. No one but yourself.

Coffee is neither harmful nor healthy. It dilates the blood vessels of the heart and brain. At the same time, it narrows the blood vessels of the intestines. It invigorates the CNS, passes easily through the GEB. But some people get a tremor from one cup, while others drink five cups a day and fall asleep like a log. If coffee makes you sick, don’t drink it. If coffee makes you feel good, drink it. There is an alternative, armor-piercing coffee, but to make it, you have to do a little bit of work.

It’s the same story with water. Drink 2 liters, 8 glasses, watch your body’s hydration. All this only promises an increase in productivity, but in reality you just run to the bathroom more often. Excess water is important if you take piracetam to improve memory. But that’s a whole other story.

Sugar levels. Also a double-edged sword. The brain consumes barely a quarter of the glucose from the bloodstream. Which means that if you cut back on sweets, you’re sure to catch a mental rollback. On the other hand, it is enough to monitor sugar peaks, that is, to stretch over time the consumption of fast carbohydrates, while leaving their amount unchanged. That is, not a Snickers at a time, but ¼ at a time, but throughout the day.

And, most importantly. Absolute norms and rules don’t always apply to household decisions. This is especially true for checkup lovers. My smart bracelet recorded elevated heart rate, in the tests bilirubin slightly above the peak value, and hemoglobin on the contrary, slightly lower… Our body is a huge alchemical laboratory, which adapts to the world and tries to live in conditions specific to you. So adaptation is more important than peaks. Norms fluctuate, so it’s important to compare them to how you feel.

Top performance drugs that are already in your bloodstream

If you feel normal and your productivity is satisfactory, there is no point in observing “nominal slumps” in tests or any tests. It is worth measuring your performance only before any complicated course of drugs. Conscious self-development is based, first and foremost, on understanding yourself. And the primary analysis is important to know how specific parameters will change, what exactly it led to and what parameters are better to return to.

And what really answers the question of how to ensure the maintenance of high performance is the following algorithm:

Ultradian rhythms. Workability is built on the principle of solving small tasks. It takes 90 minutes to complete a task, because that’s how long ultradian rhythms last. Working through effort only leads to more backtracking, and critical desynchronization may well lead to procrastination, which is pointless to fight. The same rhythms activate the release of neurohormones, which already govern the state of performance.

Cortisol. Light stress, which puts us in the frame of necessity. The task has a clear deadline and a clear starting point. It’s time-bound. At 9:15 you’ve checked email, social media, talked to a buddy and taken your first sip of coffee. It’s time to tackle the case for which you have an hour and a half allotted. Light outside stress raises cortisol, but not the top 5 concentration-enhancing supplements.

Adrenaline. The main fuel that triggers superproductivity. It boosts productivity, invigorates the body, and is responsible for the intention to achieve results within the set time frame. But on its own, it will only slow down the CNS, cause tremors and twist the gastrointestinal tract into a knot. Therefore, it needs a kind of stabilizers.

Acetylcholine. The spotlight on our attention. Helps to keep the focus on the final goal, to see it, to understand the process of approaching and the ways of solving the problem. The precursor of acetylcholine is DMAE. If there is not enough acetylcholine, the focus will wander from task to task. If there is a lot of it, there is a risk of burying yourself in the useless nuances of the task. When you have to turn in a report and you choose to do a turquoise or purple chart.

Dopamine. Fuel, the excess of which the brain converts into adrenaline. In fact, what fuels our sense of achieving reward, soon to be pleasure. Its booster is targeted by L-tyrosine, which is part of the top precursors for productivity.

All of these neurohormones are naturally produced from special amino acids. Except that if the amino acids are slightly lacking, difficulties begin: it is difficult to start a task, it is difficult to get into a state of flow, thoughts scatter, focus is lacking, you just want to open the ribbon and flip-flip-flip through articles, getting fast dopamine.

GOAT Stamina is a modern, multi-component bioactive supplement for players. Thanks to the appropriate combination of ingredients, the product reduces the feeling of fatigue without causing irritation, which often occurs with coffee or energy drinks.

A great advantage of GOAT Stamina is its effect time, which can last up to 6 hours from consumption! The product contains no sugar and does not cause the “caffeine crash” effect. GOAT Stamina supports concentration and cognitive functions, helps you pay attention and focus, and improves mood and productive thinking!

GOAT Stamina Bioactive Energy Review (reviews, how to buy)

Top Drugs for Performance

That’s why the top performance medications are so important. Right off the bat, they won’t do the job for you. They won’t make you better or worse. But delving into the maze of how to ensure you maintain high performance, we come to the point that these drugs help you do what you do, but faster and more. Flipping through your social media feeds? You’ll shine more sparkly in the comments and drop more relevant memes. Believe in the benefits of computer games? Break down the plot of Kojima’s new game while it’s still just entering the Genius Diary. And if you work, well… you’ll meet your plan faster, make more sales, and find more creative and selling solutions.

How do you ensure that you maintain a high level of performance if your body itself is against it?

We are talking about precursors. The problem is that any top performance medication will either be slow or illegal. The reason lies in the operation and “capacity” of receptors, adaptation mechanisms and within the circulatory system.

The brain is a homeostatic system. That is why neurohacking of the brain cannot be done in one pill or increase intelligence in a week. The brain is separate from the body because the hormones the body secretes act as the brain’s neurohormones. An exaggerated example: a brisk workout at the gym releases, conventionally, 10 grams of adrenaline from the adrenal glands. But the brain, for normal functioning, needs 0.01 grams, i.e. 1000 times less. And if the adrenaline from the blood gets into the brain, it will cause the death of neurons. This, by the way, is what happens in a stroke, if a vessel bursts and blood floods the brain.

That’s why the inside of the brain vessels are covered with a thick layer of epithelium. This layer is called the blood-brain barrier, or BBB. The HEB prevents substances from the bloodstream from reaching the brain. Is it great? Yes, as in for protection. But, if a person is crushed by the same stroke, and medics are trying to get drugs into the brain, the HEB won’t let them into the brain. And the same alcohol passes the HEB just fine, but it doesn’t cause a healing effect at all.

In fact, if you want to build a skyscraper, you don’t go to the Skyscraper Factory, where they make skyscrapers and take them to the customer, right? Instead, you buy construction materials, precursors, which are brought to the site. And already there the construction crew erects the house. It’s the same with the brain.

Precursors, adaptogens, and minerals are the classic top drugs for performance. Their effectiveness is tied to their interaction with the body.

Precursors on cause withdrawal effects in the body, which makes phenibut, a prescription drug that targets GABA receptors. Pharmacological drugs form a tolerance, so withdrawal of phenibut or phenylpiracetam can cause a relapse. Precursors, on the other hand, help form neurons, receptors, and cells. What you remembered under precursors, the skills you learned, will stay with you for the rest of your conscious life.

Precursors work long term. Their effectiveness is especially noticeable when combined with healthy habits. In fact, precursors are in the body like a parcel of needed but small electronics/cosmetics/stationery: “on demand. But when they are needed, the body uses them quickly, efficiently, and keeps them working.

Top performance drugs you can find at the drugstore or sport nutrition store

Precursors, adaptogens and minerals are offered in great variety and abundance. These include the mysterious Chinese cordyceps, and the recently popular comb-urchin, supplements that used to be used for skin rejuvenation, and today they turn out to be a good way to stimulate the brain. Let’s highlight the main substances:

L-tyrosine. A precursor to dopamine. It is from this that the brain synthesizes dopamine, which helps to keep the flux state going. What is important here is not the peak value, but rather the gradual unfolding of the drug as it works.
L-theanine. CNS Stabilizer. Many people who wonder how to maintain a high work capacity immediately rush to the extreme of stimulation. Because of this they become nervous and anxious. L-theanine does not allow the vigor to cross the line of anxiety.
DMAE. A precursor to acetylcholine. The same one responsible for focusing on goals. Works in the long run.
Alpha-GPC. A faster acetylcholine precursor. But, when it comes to speed, the top performance drugs are laden with side effects. Alpha-GPC is good for the brain, but bad for the heart.
5-NTP. Helps to better relax and sink into sleep. As I wrote above, the rest period is just as important to the body as the work period. It is during sleep that most serotonin and melatonin are released. And it is these two hormones that are formed from 5-NTP.
Magnesium. Basic fuel for the CNS. One-third of all nerve processes involve this mineral. Allowing it to be deficient is like putting wheels from a Japanese scooter on a Mercedes.
Rhodiola rosea. The brain cannot store energy or fuel. It draws everything it needs from the blood, which comes through a network of tiny capillaries. Capillary spasm automatically deprives some of the brain cells of nutrition. Rhodiola rosea dilates the blood vessels of the brain, while normalizing the CNS, preventing overexcitement and anxiety.
Bacopa Monnier. Positive effect on enhancing NGF factor. Increases the number of dendritic cells, thereby promoting increased memory capabilities.
Caffeine. The classic CNS stimulant. It’s on this list to encourage the brain to use the full range of neurofuel provided.
Melatonin. The only neurohormone on the list. The epiphysis, where it is produced, is not protected by the HEB. Therefore, taking melatonin affects the regulation of biorhythms, and helps to overcome jetlag or to get a good night’s sleep when the working day is irregular.
These are the basic top performance drugs that help energize the brain, thereby bringing productivity to a steady level. Once again, they won’t make you Sherlock or Bradley Cooper. Instead, they will allow you to get to work each day with a clear head, and calmly keep a state of flow in a stressful situation.

GOAT Stamina is a modern, multi-component bioactive supplement for players. Thanks to the appropriate combination of ingredients, the product reduces the feeling of fatigue without causing irritation, which often occurs with coffee or energy drinks.

A great advantage of GOAT Stamina is its effect time, which can last up to 6 hours from consumption! The product contains no sugar and does not cause the “caffeine crash” effect. GOAT Stamina supports concentration and cognitive functions, helps you pay attention and focus, and improves mood and productive thinking!

GOAT Stamina Bioactive Energy Review (reviews, how to buy)

Why can top performance medications literally “not feel” like it?

In the comments, and I personally have repeatedly mentioned that nootropics — this is not a magic pill, and that as a means for the automatic development of the mind, they do not work. There are several reasons for this:

Emphasis on one substance. Marketing today works in such a way that it is easy to praise and present one active ingredient as a universal remedy. A person takes a full load of that same DMAE but does not feel the effect, since there is no fuel to support the focus and trigger the mechanism that starts the working capacity.

The emphasis is on stimulation. The more you get high, the better! Not so at all. This kind of booster goes away rather quickly and you need to reinforce the effect. Accordingly, a person wants to stay awake longer. Which means, what prevents you from being awake? Sleepiness! And so the person sacrifices sleep, as it seems to him, in favor of productivity.

Lack of base. Healthy sleep, balanced nutrition, grooming, psychological health. If one of these components is missing, the energy and productivity boom will merge into neuroses and anxiety.

Lack of conditions for development. Nootropics and precursors help you to do more effectively only what you do every day. Lying on the couch, taking nootropics and hoping for an intelligence booster is pointless.

Regularity. Unlike prescription drugs, precursors work cumulatively and under conditions of continuous intake. Same principle as with muscle growth. If you happen to get a protein deficit and overexcited, you will get a slight pullback. If you skipped taking nootropics, you took a couple of steps back.

Most people start taking nootropics hoping for a quick effect, and that it will be with them forever. But the lack of discipline, cognitive load and understanding of basic principles reduces the results to zero and causes only disappointment.

How do you put together your top performance medications?

By trial, error, and work on yourself. It is possible to find ready-made solutions of complexes that are already formed for a specific request: a productivity booster or an immersion into quality and deep sleep. It is possible to go through the precursors on your own one at a time and monitor the effect of the work. But in the second case, some amount of time and money is spent on searching, delivery, and dosage selection.

GOAT Stamina is a modern, multi-component bioactive supplement for players. Thanks to the appropriate combination of ingredients, the product reduces the feeling of fatigue without causing irritation, which often occurs with coffee or energy drinks.

A great advantage of GOAT Stamina is its effect time, which can last up to 6 hours from consumption! The product contains no sugar and does not cause the “caffeine crash” effect. GOAT Stamina supports concentration and cognitive functions, helps you pay attention and focus, and improves mood and productive thinking!

GOAT Stamina Bioactive Energy Review (reviews, how to buy)
