How to get rid of bad breath due to stomach acid

A condition that causes bad breath is called halitosis. Its appearance is often indicative of gastrointestinal diseases, but may not be associated with them. Halitosis is not an independent pathology, the danger is the so-called social disability [1]. Bad breath when talking or just breathing out damages one’s image and is repulsive to others.

If your breath comes from your stomach

The simplest knowledge about halitosis will be useful to anyone who cares about their health and attractiveness.

The list of causes of bad breath boils down to just three items:

  • Bacterial activity;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • ingestion of foods containing volatile substances.

However, for some people, the odor occurs rarely and for a short time, while for others it persists all the time. What explains this?

Many people experience heartburn and an unpleasant taste in the mouth, and worry about the smell in the morning after last night’s meal. However, if spicy and smelly food, alcohol and smoking are present in a person’s life most often on holidays, the problem solves itself, and there is no reason to worry. It is enough to brush your teeth, use mouthwash or chewing gum, and reduce personal contact as much as possible until the next day. When the body returns to its normal state, metabolism, bacteria and volatile substances will stop provoking the smell. This is a temporary phenomenon and is not halitosis.

Factors that lead to more long-term problems.

Unrelated to diseases of internal organs:

  • Inadequate oral hygiene
  • Inadequate diet
  • Rigid diets (e.g., ketogenic)
  • Bad habits (alcoholism, smoking)
  • The structure of the tongue (cracks, crypts, papillae)
  • Taking medications that cause dry mouth (antidepressants, tranquilizers, sleeping pills, antihistamines, anti-edema medications, hypotensive medications)

Related to diseases of the body:

  • reflux
  • ulcer
  • gastritis, gastroduodenitis
  • Intestinal dysbacteriosis
  • Dental problems
  • ENT diseases
  • Pathology of endocrine system
  • Oncological diseases

When considering gastrointestinal diseases as the cause of halitosis, it is necessary to keep in mind the connections between the parts of the digestive system.

It all starts with the intestines. Normally, it is populated by various microorganisms that make up its microflora. Violation of its composition leads to a number of pathologies. For example, stomach ulcers and gastritis and gastroduodenitis are caused by Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) bacteria. Their activity can provoke unpleasant odor from the stomach.

Incomplete closure of the sphincter between the esophagus and stomach causes heartburn and sour belching. This phenomenon is called reflux. Gastric juices are highly acidic and can damage the mucosa of the esophagus, pharynx and mouth, as well as the enamel of the teeth, causing bacteria to multiply, resulting in an unpleasant odor coming from the esophagus or mouth.

It is important to monitor any such symptoms in time to prevent the development of GI tract abnormalities and severe complications.

How is halitosis diagnosed

Often a person cannot objectively judge the presence of bad breath. Mistrustful people tend to find various symptoms that do not exist in reality, and halitosis is no exception.

The easiest way to check is to directly ask loved ones if they smell. If you want to avoid discussing such a sensitive topic, you can check to see if you can smell the floss a few minutes after brushing your teeth. Another option is to assess the smell of plaque removed from the back of the tongue with a teaspoon or tissue (also not immediately, but after a short period of time). You can lick your wrist and smell it when the saliva has dried. However, recent intake of spicy food, onions and garlic, and alcohol can affect the test result.

Laboratory methods for diagnosing gastric odor require the patient to abstain from certain foods and drinks and from smoking the day before the procedure. The doctor can determine the presence of odor using his own senses or a special device — a halimeter.

Interestingly, the test for the presence of H. pylori in the body is also respiratory. When infected with these bacteria, urease, an enzyme that rapidly breaks down urea, is produced. The patient needs to drink a compound containing urea, which is enriched with a carbon isotope, and then exhale into a sealed container. The resulting sample is sent for analysis. The presence and concentration of bacteria in the stomach is determined by the carbon isotope in the exhaled air.

How to get rid of bad breath caused by stomach problems

The first thing to do is to identify and treat the underlying condition. Gum, lozenges, drops, sprays and other breath fresheners may be a temporary solution for the period of treatment. The selection of drugs and their regimen is the business of the doctor, self-treatment can lead to dysbacteriosis and antibiotic resistance [10, 11]. Thus, you can provoke new problems, and not get rid of the odor. Concomitant pathologies, lifestyle, diet must also be taken under control. Only then the treatment of gastric disease and breath odor will be successful.

If stomach odor appeared in a child, doctors advise to focus on hygiene issues, because antibiotics give too much strain on the child’s body. It is necessary to instill healthy habits in children that prevent infection and the development of bacterial infection. In addition to brushing the teeth and tongue, these include regular hand washing.

What measures should be taken to prevent bad breath

Visiting the dentist at least twice a year and practicing good oral hygiene is a good way to prevent bad breath. It is important to know that it is not just your teeth and dentures that should be cleaned. Plaque on the tongue is an environment in which bacteria breed readily, so it must be gotten rid of. You can do this with a toothbrush that has a special scraper on the back. To keep bacteria from multiplying throughout the day, it is a good idea to use an antibacterial mouthwash.

Dentolan is a multi-component bioactive supplement for those who have a problem with bad breath. The product soothes the throat and voice strings. In addition, it helps in the digestive processes, increases intestinal comfort and maintains the correct pH of the gastric juice.

Dentolan is effective regardless of the cause of bad breath. The product’s rich formula will work regardless of what caused the halitosis — bacteria, stimulants, digestive problems or certain foods.

Dentolan review (reviews, how to buy)
