Age and female fertility


Fertility changes with age. Both women and men become capable of conceiving during adolescence after puberty. For girls, their early reproductive development is characterized by the onset of ovulation and menstruation.

This means that after menopause, women are no longer able to conceive. In general, when a woman begins to age, her reproductive potential decreases and her ability to conceive may end as early as 5 to 10 years before menopause. In today’s society, an increasingly common problem of infertility is age, because, for various reasons, many women wait until they are 30 years old to start a family.

Although women these days are healthier and better cared for than ever before, better health in later life cannot compensate for the natural age-related decline in fertility. It is important to understand that women’s fertility declines with age. This decline may occur much earlier than most women expect.

NuviaLab Female Fertility is a dietary supplement consisting of 19 ingredients that naturally supports female fertility. The product is based on the highest quality plant extracts, vitamins and minerals that support female reproductive health.

Regular use of NuviaLab Female Fertility helps maintain normal fertility and helps maintain natural sexual activity. The product plays an important role in the cell division process and reduces feelings of fatigue and exhaustion. NuviaLab Female Fertility is the perfect solution for the modern woman.

How do I purchase NuviaLab Female Fertility?

Ovulation and the Menstrual Cycle

The menstrual cycle is the period between two menstrual periods that is divided into four phases — follicular, ovulatory, luteal and menstrual — that are generated by hormonal fluctuations in the body.

Each phase has a specific function in order to know the necessary information: fertile days (ovulation), approaching menstruation, etc. The follicular phase (proliferative) begins at the beginning of the menstrual cycle, i.e. the first day after menstruation and before ovulation (covering a period of 10 to 11 days in a 28-day cycle). Ovulation occurs in the middle of a regular menstrual cycle and is the fertile period of the woman.

Hormone levels undergo major changes at this stage. Estrogen levels increase rapidly between the 10th and 15th day of the cycle, and then will gradually decrease. The period at the beginning of ovulation is marked by a slight increase in follicle stimulating hormone and another rapid increase in luteinizing hormone. The ovaries release the dominant follicle and the body starts producing more progesterone to prepare the uterine mucosa for the fertilization period (if you want to get pregnant). At this stage, follicle-stimulating hormone levels increase and promote the release of eggs from the ovaries. After about a week, a dominant follicle forms and will be removed from the ovaries by the time you ovulate. The secretory phase is important, especially for conception. It is the period in which the endometrium, the mucous membrane of the uterus that is designed to hold the fetus until birth, is formed. This period takes about 13 days. If pregnancy is not desired, the mucous membrane is removed during menstruation and progesterone levels drop. At the time of the secretory phase, the ovaries begin to go through a luteal phase, which is characterized by a return to normal hormone levels (LH and FSH). Estrogen levels are not as high as at the beginning of the cycle, but continue to maintain their constant values, and progesterone, on the contrary, increases until the end of this phase. During the menstrual phase, if the egg is not fertilized, pregnancy does not occur and the unfertilized egg is removed along with the uterine mucosa, as a monthly bleeding event. At this stage, the level of progesterone in the body decreases and the body “clears” the mucous membrane of the uterus. As a rule, menstruation lasts about 4 days, but each woman’s period is different, according to the regularity of her cycle and other medical problems that may exist. The length of a normal menstrual cycle is usually 28 days, but it is perfectly normal if the cycle varies between 21 and 35 days. Estrogen levels rise during this period, while lutein (LH) and progesterone drop slightly.

NuviaLab Female Fertility is a dietary supplement consisting of 19 ingredients that naturally supports female fertility. The product is based on the highest quality plant extracts, vitamins and minerals that support female reproductive health.

Regular use of NuviaLab Female Fertility helps maintain normal fertility and helps maintain natural sexual activity. The product plays an important role in the cell division process and reduces feelings of fatigue and exhaustion. NuviaLab Female Fertility is the perfect solution for the modern woman.

Age of Fertility in Women

The best years of reproductive age in women are in their 20s. Fertility gradually decreases by the age of 30, especially after the age of 35. Every month that a healthy, fertile 30-year-old woman tries to get pregnant, there is a 20% chance of that happening. That means that for every 100 fertile women in their 30s who try to get pregnant in one cycle, 20 will be successful, and the other 80 will have to try again. From age 40 and up, a woman’s chance of getting pregnant is less than 5% per cycle, meaning that only 5 women out of 100 can be expected to succeed (get pregnant) in each month. Women do not remain fertile until menopause. The average age of menopause is 51 years, but most women are not able to get pregnant in their mid-40s. These percentages are true for natural conception, and for conception using in vitro fertilization (IVF). Although the media may often convince women and their partners that they can conceive using IVF, you should know that a woman’s age greatly affects the success rate of infertility treatment.

NuviaLab Female Fertility is a dietary supplement consisting of 19 ingredients that naturally supports female fertility. The product is based on the highest quality plant extracts, vitamins and minerals that support female reproductive health.

Regular use of NuviaLab Female Fertility helps maintain normal fertility and helps maintain natural sexual activity. The product plays an important role in the cell division process and reduces feelings of fatigue and exhaustion. NuviaLab Female Fertility is the perfect solution for the modern woman.

How do I purchase NuviaLab Female Fertility?
