What can be caused by the appearance of imperfections on the skin?
There are several myths associated with the appearance of acne: for example, that people with problematic skin do not observe personal hygiene. In fact, doctors have identified several factors that may actually cause skin problems. These include:
- Génétique. Les gènes déterminent le type de peau, de sorte que la peau de certaines personnes est plus réactive et sujette à l'inflammation, aux imperfections et à l'acné que d'autres. Si les deux parents avaient de l'acné, il y a une forte probabilité que le bébé l'ait aussi.
- Hormones. L'acné est une affection hormonale. Les hormones androgènes augmentent la sécurité de sébum et la production excessive de sébum est l'un des facteurs déterminant la croissance de l'inflammation sur la peau. C'est pourquoi les éruptions coupées apparaissent le plus souvent pendant la puberté. Les hormones continuent d'affecter les hommes et les femmes à différents stades de la vie: pendant le cycle menstruel, les femmes dans la vingtaine et la trentaine peuvent également subir des éruptions coupées.
- Médicaments. Certains médicaments, tels que les stéroïdes et les drogues au lithium, peuvent provoquer de l'acné. Certaines activités ne prouvent pas d'acné, mais peuvent exposer les symptômes.
Some activities do not cause acne, but may exacerbate the symptoms. It is worth paying attention to the following areas of life:
- La façon dont tu manges. Un régime avec un indice glycémique élevé et beaucoup de produits laitiers peut provoquer ou aggraver l'acné.
- How often you get nervous. Increased hormones stimulate sebum production. Stress can trigger skin imperfections
- Whether you smoke. Research indicates that smoking impairs skin health by inducing oxidative changes in sebum composition.
- Whether or not your skin care routine is appropriate. Harsh soap-based cleansers and overly hot water can affect the natural balance of your skin. Some skin care products and makeup can also cause comedones (meaning that they clog pores and cause inflammation).
Skin problems that can lead to the formation of acne:
- Inflammation. Acne is an inflammatory disease, and inflammation is present at every stage of its development. As we know, genetics and hormones make some of us more prone to inflammation than others. Microinflammation (invisible inflammation) is a major cause of imperfections and can be caused by many different factors, including changes in hormone levels, microbiome and sebum composition on the surface of the skin.
- Seborrhea. Sebaceous glands secrete sebum (sebum), which keeps skin and hair supple. Excess sebum production, typical of problem skin, is called seborrhea. Excess sebum on the surface of the skin affects the natural process of removing dead cells. The composition of sebum lipids that accumulate in the glands also causes further microinflammation.
- Hyperkeratosis. Hyperkeratosis is an abnormal thickening of the stratum corneum of the epidermis. It is caused by overproduction of cells, which is provoked by hormones and insufficient exfoliation. The cells form plugs that block the exit ducts of the sebaceous glands. Skin fat accumulates, the follicle wall expands, and comedones form.
- Bacterial growth. Cutibacterium acnes (Propinionbacterium acnes, P.acnes) is a bacterium that lives on the surface of the skin. It is not usually harmful when it is on the skin, but people with acne-prone skin may be more sensitive to it, which can cause inflammation. Excessive sebum production also creates an environment that promotes the growth of P.acnes. It begins to fill the duct of the blocked sebaceous gland, causing further inflammation and leading to papules and pustules. In severe cases, the follicle wall ruptures in the later stages of inflammation. Lipids, fatty acids, skin flakes, bacteria, and cell fragments are released and can cause further inflammation in other areas of the skin.
Different types of rashes
Special terms are used for different types of inflammation:
- Open comedones, black dots on the skin, are the result of clogged sebaceous glands. The dark discoloration occurs when the skin fat reacts with oxygen and oxidizes, not because of dirt.
- Closed comedones are white spots. Sebum does not come into contact with the air, but in the form of white bumps accumulate in the pores. Also the result of clogged sebaceous glands.
- Pimple is a colloquial term for all inflammatory rashes (papules, pustules, nodules and cysts)
- Papules are dense red inflammations without pus.
- Pustules are pimples with purulent contents.
- Nodes — dense (indurative) blackheads — deep subcutaneous inflammation. Usually formed when several inflammatory elements merge and the surrounding tissues are involved.
- Cysts (phlegmonic acne) — are formed when the nodules are suppurated. These are pus-filled cystic cavities located deep beneath the skin. They arise when the wall of the follicle ruptures in the late stages of inflammation and pus escapes into the surrounding tissues.
Acne Vulgaris (Acne Vulgaris) is a skin disorder that is most common among people living in metropolitan areas. It usually occurs during puberty due to hormonal changes, but can persist into adulthood.
From 70% to 95% of adolescents have some degree of skin problems, and 15–30%1 of them resort to medication for inflammation. There is also a growing number of adults, especially women, who suffer from acne later in life. In this article, we will explain why skin problems occur, how different types of inflammation differ, what external and internal factors influence the occurrence of acne, and the basic rules of skin care.
What kind of skin is considered problematic?
Problem skin is skin that is prone to the formation of comedones and pimples. This type of skin is characterized by active sebaceous glands and, as a consequence, an oily sheen. This is due to the fact that the sebaceous glands produce more sebum than other skin types.
Acne (Acne Vulgaris) is a non-contagious skin condition characterized by acne due to inflamed sebaceous glands and infections. The disease occurs most often in adolescents, but symptoms can persist into adulthood. Some people, especially women, may first encounter acne after age 25. Persistent or late onset acne is known as Acne Tarda.
Acne usually appears on the face, neck, shoulders, chest and back. The rashes range from mild acne (Acne Comedonica) to moderate (Acne Papulopustulosa) to severe (Acne Conglobata).
Acne negatively affects not only your skin, but also your quality of life. Acne can cause stress and self-esteem problems. This is one reason why it is important to consult a dermatologist if you are concerned about your skin condition. There are many treatments available for acne. Taking action in time and taking medication prevents serious consequences such as hyperpigmentation and scarring from developing.
Acne vs Rosacea
Acne is sometimes confused with rosacea. Rosacea is a skin condition that, just like acne, produces papules and pustules, but is accompanied by dilation of the skin capillaries and redness. Rosacea requires a different treatment, so if you don’t know what exactly is going on with your skin, consult your doctor.
Skin Care. What can I do to reduce rashes?
Problematic skin requires a special, comprehensive approach consisting of the following points:
- Thorough daily care. Cleanse your skin twice a day and care for it with products specially formulated for your skin’s special needs: such as those in the Eucerin DermoPure series.
- Non-comedogenic makeup. Use only concealers and makeup products that have been specifically designed for acne-prone skin.
- Medication treatment. There are several options for treating acne. The optimal regimen should be chosen by a doctor.
- Sun protection. Inflammation can cause pigmentation problems with overexposure to the sun. Some acne medications make the skin more sensitive to UV rays. It’s important to use reliable sun protection, such as Eucerin OilControl SPF50+ sunscreen gel cream for UVA, UVB and HEVIS protection, which is specifically designed for problem skin, it not only protects from the sun, but also reduces imperfections and long-lasting matting for up to 8 hours.
- Healthy habits. Exercise, a good night’s sleep and a healthy, balanced diet will help you stay healthy and positive, reduce stress (which can trigger hormone activity, exacerbating acne) and improve your skin’s protective barrier. It’s also a good idea to quit smoking.
Revamin Acne Cream is a product designed for people with problematic skin.
Revamin Acne Cream is an advanced cream for imperfections. The cosmetic contains nourishing ingredients that prevent the appearance of rashes and prevent the appearance of new pustules. The cream formula penetrates deep into the skin, making it healthy, supple and smooth.
Revamin Acne Cream is a product designed for people with problematic skin. It works on any type of acne, regardless of the cause. Regular use of the cream reduces rashes and imperfections, limits the amount of sebum, and relieves redness and inflammatory conditions.
Revamin Acne Cream is popular with those who want to maintain healthy skin.