How to get rid of problem skin on the face at home?

Signs of Problem Skin

What kind of skin is problem skin? According to cosmetologists, most often it is oily skin, prone to pimples and acne. People with oily problem skin significantly increase the formation of sebum and change its composition (reduced concentration of linoleic acid). With the accumulation of dead cells on the surface of the skin, it leads to clogged pores and the appearance of black dots.

All of the above-mentioned factors alter the skin’s texture and create an environment conducive to the growth of bacteria and further imperfections.

According to the expert, the main signs of problem skin are:

  • enlarged pores;
  • oily sheen;
  • black spots;
  • pimples;
  • traces of postacne.

Moreover, young problem skin in this sense is no different from age skin: the problems experienced by their owners are the same.

What kind of skin can be problematic?

Oily skin is considered problematic, but everything is different. It can also be:
Combination skin. Such skin is characterized by an oily sheen and enlarged pores in the T-zone. Pimples and black spots can also occur in this area, for instance, during stressful periods or a few days before menstruation.

Oily. Thick, enlarged pores, shiny skin that washes over an hour or two after washing. Pimples and comedones are also frequent guests on it. It is oily skin that can turn into very problematic skin.

Can your skin type change over time?

Absolutely! It’s something that happens to us all the time. You may remember that when you were a teenager, amidst hormonal storms, your skin used to get oily and problematic while normal skin tended to be greasy. A few years passed and everything changed: as the hormonal background stabilized, the sebaceous glands began to behave “decently,” and normal skin became normal again, and oily skin no longer caused problems, except, perhaps, enlarged pores. Many people complain that their skin becomes problematic again during pregnancy. But this too can be fixed: as a rule, a few months after the birth of the child everything returns to normal. So if you are now pestered by black spots and pimples, believe me: it is not forever. Proper care can help correct bad skin.

Causes of problems

The number of sebaceous glands in every person’s body is genetically determined. But the intensity of these glands can change over the course of life. Problems with skin can accompany you not only in adolescence, but also appear in 30–40 years. The reason that your skin has become problematic can be…

  • Hormonal imbalance;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • improper care;
  • insufficient skin cleansing;
  • improper diet;
  • environmental pollution;
  • stress.

How to take care of problematic skin at home?

Of course, it is impossible to look calmly at how pimples and comedones appear on your skin every day. You want to do something quickly to make your problem skin look fabulously beautiful… How to fight acne and other uninvited guests?


Perhaps the most important stage of care is cleansing. This is the main thing to do with problem skin. In the morning and in the evening, with special products. But it is important not to overdo it! As a result of aggressive care, washing skin “until it squeaks” can break the surface hydrolipidic layer, and the skin will become dehydrated and sensitive. And this will only make the problems worse, because it will start generating more sebum for extra protection and the cycle will go on… So don’t scrub, avoid soaps, alcohol-based cosmetics and choose skin products with a pH of 5.0–5.5 (i.e. corresponding to the normal skin pH). Use mild cleansers. Make sure that they contain acids, matting components — the latter perfectly “tame” oily shine and help to prevent the appearance of imperfections and to deal with existing ones.


Once or twice a week use scrubs — unless, of course, there is acute inflammation, in which case you must not use exfoliants categorically, they can intensify the inflammatory process. And for every day, invest in foams and tonics for problem skin.


This step is often perceived as unnecessary or irrelevant. But this is a misconception. Toners or lotions for problem skin complete the stage of cleansing and additional care for it, because they often contain components that help “tame” imperfections.


An important step in oily skin care, it’s often overlooked under the misconception that moisturizing will cause oily shine. Contrary to myths, oily skin can and should be moisturized, because according to a medical expert, “lack of moisture can lead either to increased sebum production or to dryness and hypersensitivity.

The best beauty products for people with problem skin

Revamin Acne Cream is an advanced cream for imperfections. The cosmetic contains nourishing ingredients that prevent the appearance of rashes and prevent the appearance of new pustules. The cream formula penetrates deep into the skin, making it healthy, supple and smooth.

Revamin Acne Cream is a product designed for people with problematic skin. It works on any type of acne, regardless of the cause. Regular use of the cream reduces rashes and imperfections, limits the amount of sebum, and relieves redness and inflammatory conditions.

Revamin Acne Cream is popular with those who want to maintain healthy skin.

Revamin Acne Cream review (reviews, how to buy)
