What is the best treatment for male factor infertility?


The World Health Organization defines male infertility as the inability of a man to conceive a child independently during one year of regular sexual intercourse (at least once a week) without the use of contraception. In most cases, such infertility is easily treatable — it is enough to visit a specialist and eliminate the causes that “block” conception. However, sometimes men face more serious diseases that require complex surgeries and procedures.

Causes of Male Infertility

Many still live by stereotypes that blame women for the inability to conceive a child, but in reality, this is outright false. Over the past few decades, the scale of male infertility has increased to 40%. Therefore, modern medicine identifies 4 forms of the disease:

Secretory, Obstructive, Immunological, Psychological.

Secretory Male Infertility

With this pathology, the testicles do not produce enough sperm or the sperm have pathologies that prevent them from fertilizing the egg. Another common defect is the low mobility of sperm, which does not allow them to “overcome the path” to the egg. Testicular pathologies arise due to such diseases:

Hydrocele; Varicocele; Testicular cancer; Cryptorchidism (undescended testicles); Mumps, which can cause testicular inflammation; Hormonal imbalances; Past infections (tuberculosis, typhoid, syphilis); Chronic stress; Protein and vitamin deficiencies; Smoking; Excessive alcohol consumption; Frequent cycling and horse riding; Disruption of thermoregulation of the genital organs (tight underwear, frequent visits to baths, saunas, taking very hot baths); Genital injuries; Taking certain medications that negatively affect sperm quality, as well as taking steroids and anabolic steroids; Living in areas with a complex ecological situation; Excessive physical exertion.

Obstructive Male Infertility

This pathology is characterized by difficulties in the movement of sperm through the seminal ducts. Complete blockage of sperm movement is also possible, which requires immediate treatment. Among the reasons that can lead to such infertility are:

Inflammation of the epididymis; Congenital absence of the epididymis or vas deferens; Operations in the pelvic area; Prostatitis; Retrograde ejaculation; Premature ejaculation; Erectile dysfunction.

Psychological Infertility

The causes of this condition include the following factors:

“Selection” complex — from childhood, a man was constantly subjected to punishment, being told that he is bad, worthless, unworthy of continuing his lineage; Infantilism — a man is not ready for fatherhood because he is accustomed to taking care only of himself; he is so unprepared for the appearance of a “competitor” who will take away his wife’s time that psychological problems may develop against this background; Fatherhood complex — arises if a man was raised in an incomplete family, taking on the responsibility for younger children and the mother himself; it’s as if he has already taken on the role of a father and does not want to go through it again; Stress, nervousness, emotional instability.

Immunological Infertility

This form of infertility occurs less frequently than other pathologies — it affects approximately 10% of men. The essence of this disease is that the man’s immune system produces antibodies that “kill” sperm, which excludes the likelihood of conception. Also, the pathology includes partner incompatibility — antibodies to the man’s sperm are produced in the female body, and both spouses may have children with other partners.

Methods of Treating Male Infertility

Doctors have several dozen different techniques (both conservative and surgical) at their disposal, which allow a man to experience the joy of fatherhood soon. The most common methods of combating male infertility are:

Treatment with medications — this method is suitable for hormonal imbalances, chronic and acute infections, sexually transmitted diseases (chlamydia, ureaplasmosis). Initially, a man donates blood and sperm for laboratory analysis, based on which individual therapy is selected. Also, to improve sperm quality, men are advised to abstain from alcohol, smoking, adjust their diet, and take vitamins. Surgical intervention — actively used for pathologies such as varicocele or blockage of the vas deferens. Studies show that after such operations, sperm quality improves by 50% or more. Artificial insemination — applied in cases of male infertility when sperm are insufficiently mobile. The essence of the method is to select the most active and healthy sperm from the collected semen and place them in the uterus at the most favorable time for this (ovulation). A special catheter is used for this purpose. IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) — an effective method of treating reproductive system pathologies. Oocytes are punctured from the ovaries and placed in a test tube. Sperm (including thawed sperm) are transferred to them. After some time, observations are made, and fertilized oocytes are selected. After 3–6 days, they are transferred to the uterus (but not more than 3). Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) — under a microscope, the doctor selects the most mobile and healthy sperm that can fertilize the egg. This procedure is performed using special tools: a puncture is made in the egg’s shell with a special needle, after which the sperm is injected. Microsurgical sperm aspiration from the testicular appendages — used in cases where there are no sperm in the semen (this may be the result of surgery or in case of obstruction of the seminal ducts that cannot be operated on). Using a special syringe, sperm is extracted from the testicle and placed in the uterus during ovulation. Alternative medicine in the treatment of male infertility — includes acupuncture, manual therapy, herbal treatment, but there is no scientific evidence for these methods yet. Nevertheless, many men claim that they were cured of infertility in this way.

Regardless of the chosen method of treatment, a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition should be reliable support. It is also necessary to alternate work and rest, and allocate 7–8 hours for sleep. In some cases, the causes of infertility in men can be very common things.

Preventive Measures

To avoid resorting to expensive procedures, it is better to prevent the occurrence of diseases from an early age, which can lead to such a condition.

From childhood, it is necessary to regularly visit a specialist (first a pediatrician, later a pediatric urologist, and after sexual maturity, an “adult” urologist). This will allow timely detection of possible pathologies and their rapid treatment.

Sex life (although it brings a lot of positive emotions) should be orderly. From the beginning of sexual life, it is necessary to use contraceptives.

An important factor is lifestyle, the regime of wakefulness and sleep, sports activities, and outdoor walks. It is necessary to limit visits to baths, saunas, avoid taking hot baths. Underwear should be comfortable and not put pressure on the genital organs.

As for the diet, it should contain sufficient amounts of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Vegetarians are at risk because their bodies lack animal protein. Therefore, it is better to abandon this venture and eat a balanced diet. Naturally, it is better to completely exclude alcohol or drink it as rarely as possible. The same applies to cigarettes and narcotic substances. Only by following all these rules can one become a happy father.

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