What foods are good for strong bones and joints?

Doctor tells what foods can help strengthen bones

A healthy spine and joints are the basis for a full active life. And today joint diseases have become considerably “younger”: every third person under 40 years of age already has various problems with their joints.

Many specialists agree that the cause of this problem is sedentary lifestyle and low quality of nutrition. As it turns out, what we eat has a direct impact on joint health. Nutrition makes us healthy and beautiful. What foods are good for your joints and what foods ruin them, IVR specialists will tell you.


What foods should be eaten to strengthen joints? It is well known that for the health of joints you need jelly and calcium-containing foods. However, according to the recommendations of doctors, a special diet for joint disease is far from being limited to the consumption of cottage cheese and jelly. The list of prohibited and recommended foods is much longer. Why is a proper diet for joint disease so important?

The health of the joints is primarily affected by the balance of micronutrients. For example, many people know that dairy products are good for joints and cartilage. However, the stomach secretes a lot of acid to digest casein and the balance requires just the right calcium, which creates an alkaline environment.

Proper intake of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals is important. It is proved that the main cause of arthritis is a metabolic disorder in the cartilage tissues. In addition, the modern lifestyle is far from ideal: we sit a lot, little movement, carry heavy objects, have bad habits. All this has a negative impact on the joints. Therefore, in conjunction with moderate stress should be eaten healthy foods for bones and joints.

Weight Control

This is probably one of the most important principles of a healthy diet for the joints. The fact is that every extra kilogram of weight increases the load on the joints by several times. This inevitably leads to their destruction. Recommendations are very simple: reduce consumption of fast carbohydrates, sweet and fatty foods, do moderate exercises. It is also useful to eat a fractional meal in case of painful joints.

However, it is not recommended to independently establish “starvation” days and sit on diets. Any restrictions should be coordinated with a doctor or a nutritionist, because they can imbalance the body. And here we are not talking about any good. Therefore, the next important principle is a balanced diet.

A balanced diet.

As we have said, nutrition for the joints and spine is a balanced menu. The body must receive sufficient amounts of all necessary nutrients. We are talking about a complete diet. And the key role here is played by a variety of food, as well as the proper preparation of food. Prolonged heat treatment partially or completely destroys fiber and vitamins in vegetables. And when frying even more harmful substances are formed. Therefore it is recommended to eat fruits and vegetables fresh, cook food by steaming, stewing or baking in the oven.

Drinking regimen.

Another principle of a healthy diet for the joints is pure water. An adult should drink 1.5–2 liters of pure water daily, not counting coffee/tea and liquid foods. This is very important because nutrients dissolve in water and are better absorbed. You should drink in the morning, whenever you feel thirsty, and half an hour or two hours after a meal. It is desirable to drink in small portions. It is obligatory before training, before physical exertion.

The quality of water plays a key role. You should drink purified “live” water, that is, water that has not been subjected to boiling. Such water can be bought from trusted suppliers, filtered at home with special filters or cooked melted water.

Reduce the use of flavor enhancers

Amplifiers include not only glutamates and vinegar, but also table salt. Contrary to popular belief, salt is not deposited in the joints, but leads to fluid retention in the body. Thus it increases the load on the joints. It is recommended to replace the normal amount of salt, which is 4–5 grams per day, with sea salt.


The list of foods harmful to the joints is quite large. However, this does not mean that they should be completely excluded from the diet. Some of them have to be limited or excluded for arthritis or osteoarthritis, but after consulting your doctor. If the joints are healthy, these foods should not be eaten regularly.

  • red meats: beef, veal, pork. They have a high content of uric acid, which disturbs the metabolism of purines. Deposits form on the joints;
  • by-products, beef liver;
  • Sunflower oil — got on this list because of the imbalance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Omega-6 stimulate inflammation in the joints, so it is contraindicated for gout and other diseases;
  • Spinach — contains many oxalates, which also stimulate general inflammation and can cause pseudopodagra;
  • tomatoes, black peppers — in excessive amounts, solanine disrupts metabolic processes in tissues;
  • tea and coffee;
  • dark and light beer, alcohol;
  • Legumes, especially red beans — sources of purines;
  • fatty foods;
  • sugar and sweets.

The most unhealthy foods for joints:

- canned foods;

- Smoked foods, pickles, and dried fish;

- Long-stored cheeses;

- Trans-fats and refined foods — margarine, baked goods;

- Foods with phosphates — crab sticks, sausages, condensed milk, and others;

- carbonated beverages;

- alcohol.

Nutrition for diseases of the joints should be made by a doctor after consultation and complete diagnosis.


Foods rich in selenium and sulfur

Selenium is an essential micronutrient for maintaining healthy joints. It is involved in their nutrition and hydration. Sufficient amounts of selenium are found in garlic, oat flakes, unrefined rice and seaweed (kelp).

Sulfur is the main ingredient for collagen production in the body. Chickens, eggs, chum and cod, cereals, onions, all kinds of cabbage and apples contain sufficient amounts of it.

Foods rich in boron and zinc

Zinc is another element that is involved in the regeneration of joints, particularly collagen fibers. Zinc is found in brown rice, meat.

Boron is essential for strengthening bone tissues. It can be obtained from cabbage, prunes, seafood and nuts.

Calcium-containing products for strengthening bones and joints

Calcium is the main building material of bones. It is abundant in cheese, cottage cheese, eggs, nuts, and corn. Also in beets, cabbage, artichokes, and seeds. For calcium to be better absorbed, it should be taken together with proteins.

Fish and foods rich in phosphorus

Sea and ocean fish are the main source of phosphorus, which is involved in metabolic processes. Also phosphorus is contained in cabbage, legumes. However, it is desirable to use them with greens: parsley, cilantro, lettuce.

Foods rich in vitamin D

Vitamin D helps strengthen joints. You can get it from foods such as cod liver, egg yolks, and butter.

Cereals, nuts, and sunflowers

Nuts and seeds are rich in vitamins and healthy fats. In particular, they are high in vitamin E. Sunflowers, nuts, flaxseeds and olive oil also contain vitamin F, which is essential for joints. Together with vitamin D, it helps the absorption of calcium.

B vitamins

Good foods for joints: eggs, cheese, bananas, seafood (crabs, oysters, lobsters).

Foods with collagen and mucopolysaccharides

Mucopolysaccharides are the building blocks of connective tissue. In their natural form they are found in the cartilage and tendons of animals, fish and birds, as well as in algae. Gelatin is extracted from them. Therefore, for mobility and flexibility of joints it is recommended to prepare fish jelly, poultry cold cuts, as well as fruit kissels, marmalade and jelly. Red fish and kelp (seaweed) are a natural source of collagen.

Dried fruits

Contains many vitamins and trace elements. However, you have to be careful with raisins.

Sources of vitamin C

Vitamin C plays an important role in the production of collagen. It is most contained in citrus fruits, rose hips, black currants and kiwi.


The basis of the diet are foods rich in fiber and dietary fiber. Broccoli, oatmeal, wholemeal cereals and bran are useful. At least half of the daily rate should be fresh fruits and vegetables. What fruits are good for joints? Especially rich in anthocyanins, substances with anti-inflammatory properties. These include pomegranate, blueberries, strawberries, cherries, and strawberries.

When you have a joint disease, in addition to a special diet, doctors recommend additional nutritional supplements. They are prescribed by the doctor depending on the diagnosis and the nature of the disease. They are used in conjunction with a full course of treatment and are aimed at accelerating regeneration and reducing inflammation.


  • Do not eat dairy and meat products daily;
  • Minimize intake of salty and sweet foods, empty carbohydrates;
  • Include whole grain oatmeal, whole grain bread and bran in your daily diet;
  • add fresh or dried herbs to meals: a tablespoon a day;
  • drink no more than two cups of coffee a day;
  • eat foods rich in omega-3: oily fish, herring, caviar, and virgin oils;
  • drink water in small portions during the day and be sure to drink a glass of water in the morning. It is desirable to drink lukewarm water;
  • include in your menu more raw vegetables and fruits, eat raw buckwheat, pre-soaked for the night;
  • Include nuts in your diet, especially almonds;
  • Eat at least 500 grams of fresh fruits and vegetables every day, baked vegetables for dinner with a side dish or protein dishes.


A proper and balanced diet is the basis for strong joints and the whole body. Doctors distinguish between foods that strengthen joints or, on the contrary, contribute to their destruction. However, if degenerative processes have already begun, just eating healthy foods alone is not able to stop the disease. It is important to see a doctor and start treatment in time. In these cases, a diet for the joints and additional substances — chondroprotectors — are appointed. In combination, foods that are good for the joints, healthy habits and physical activity contribute to the restoration of cartilage tissue and maintain their elasticity for years to come.

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