The Top 5 Natural Fat Burners That Actually Work

The eternal question for almost any girl is, “What would I eat to lose weight?” Turns out, there are such foods — and maybe even in your fridge! We at How to Green have carefully studied the properties of a variety of non-starchy vegetables, unsweetened berries and fruits and even spices and selected the five most “magical” natural fat burners. So if you can’t shake the urge to have a snack at night, choose something from our list.
1. Grapefruit
All citrus fruits are excellent fat burners, but the absolute leader in this regard is the grapefruit. It has choleretic properties that stimulate the breakdown of fat cells. But by no means get rid of the inner bitter film! It is this that contains naringin, which helps burn fat. In addition to this useful function, the plant flavonoid improves digestion, liver function, lowers cholesterol and strengthens the immune system.

Grapefruit zest is no less valuable in terms of weight loss and health care. It contains many active substances that improve digestion, have antibacterial properties and speed up metabolism. It’s enough to grate some peel on a fine grater (only the bright part of it) and add it to your tea. You will get a very fragrant, delicious, and in addition, helping to lose weight drink.

However, keep in mind that you should not abuse the grapefruit. First of all, this product — like other citrus fruits — is extremely allergenic. Even people who are not prone to such reactions, a large amount of eaten fruit can cause skin rashes. Secondly, grapefruit should not be eaten by people with GI problems. Thirdly, divide your intake of any pills (including vitamins) between eating grapefruit and grapefruit juice as much as possible. The substances contained in the product (naringenin and bergamottin) sharply increase the absorption of many drugs, increase the content of the active substance in the blood stream and thus cause an overdose effect.

2. Kiwi
You probably know that a kiwi is a mega-source of a variety of micronutrients, especially vitamin C (one kiwi contains its daily rate). In addition, the fruit also helps to lose weight. It contains enzymes that accelerate fat burning, and the enzyme actinidin, which breaks down proteins and contributes to rapid digestion. So, if you get up from the table with a clear feeling of heaviness, then eating a kiwi will help partially get rid of the consequences of overeating. But it is better to use the fruit alone or in combination with greens, non-starchy vegetables or unsweetened fruits. A great option would be smoothies, freches, fruit or green salads. The kiwi has few calories and little sugar, so you can eat it almost without restrictions.

By the way, it is recommended to add raw kiwi fruit to smoothies and freshes, because kiwi peel contains more antioxidants than the pulp. However, it does not taste good, so for salads and other dishes the fruit should still be peeled.

In addition to the “slimming” effect, kiwi has another great bonus — it helps improve the skin. One of the properties of the fruit is the elimination of toxins from the body. The presence of them first of all affects just the skin. Consumption of at least one kiwi a day helps to remove harmful substances from the body.

3. Celery Stem
Celery is unique in that its stems, roots and leaves are all edible. All of its parts contain nutrients and vitamins, but the stalks will be of the greatest interest for weight loss, because they consist of 75 % water; the remaining 25 % is fiber, which provides satiety with a minimal number of calories. And the energy value of the product is really unique. Just imagine: one stalk contains only six calories. What’s more, it has so much fiber that our body spends far more than those six calories to digest it.

In addition to its negative calories, celery stalk has many other health bonuses. First, it is a valuable source of vitamin K, essential for hematopoiesis and bone synthesis. Second, celery contains apigenin. This substance reduces inflammation in the body and restores the immune system, and also improves memory and helps in learning. Third, it also contains the flavonoid luteolin, which has been shown to have anti-cancer properties.

4. Broccoli
Broccoli is high in fiber, which naturally cleanses the intestines. The product is quickly satiating and contains few calories. It contains a number of components that accelerate fat and carbohydrate metabolism. Broccoli contains a huge number of nutrients, including vitamins B, E, A, PP, K, U. In addition, one serving of this cabbage contains only 54 calories and at the same time the daily rate of vitamin C, which is simply necessary for weight loss. According to studies, during exercise, people deficient in this trace element burn an order of magnitude less fat and therefore lose weight an order of magnitude worse than those who have normal vitamin C.

Broccoli also contains the substances sulforaphane and indole-3-carbinol, which aid in weight loss. According to one interesting study, they reduce the likelihood of gaining excess weight, even if the diet is rich in fat.

In addition, broccoli is currently one of the most valuable anti-cancer foods. According to various studies, its constituents (sulfur-containing phytochemicals) inhibit the development of liver, skin, breast, stomach and other cancers.

5. Seaweed
Our fifth natural fat burner has a truly unique composition. Seaweed (aka kelp) is incredibly rich in iodine, which plays a big role in metabolic processes. And this is the most important thing in this product. Many people probably already know, but we’ll say it again so that everyone knows for sure. Without iodine, our thyroid gland can not produce hormones in the right amount, which leads to poor metabolism, perpetual fatigue and gradual weight gain. So if your goal is a good metabolism and a slim figure, then your diet should be rich in iodine. But do not rush to the pharmacy for supplements. The fact is that too much iodine is as harmful as deficiency. Only a doctor and a blood test can help with this. However, you can eat seaweed almost without restriction. It contains iodine, which is easily absorbed, normalizing thyroid function if necessary. By the way, the content of this trace element kelp is far ahead of all known land medicinal plants.

If you add the above products to your daily diet, you can lose weight faster and without harming your health. But do not forget that in order to get rid of extra pounds, you need first of all to limit the consumption of unhealthy foods, drink enough water and do not forget about sports.

Night Mega Burner

  • Overnight fat burner for professionals
  • Supports protein and glycogen metabolism
  • Supports the achievement of a healthy body weight
  • Helps you relax and facilitates falling asleep

Natural Ingredients:

  • L-Theanine from Green Tea Leaf Extract
    • N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine
    • Ashwagandha Root Extract [5% Withanolides] — KSM-66®
    • Lemon Balm Herb Extract
    • Green Tea Leaf Extract [40% EGCG]
    • Grains of Paradise Seed Extract [12.5% 6-paradol]
    • Black Pepper Fruit Extract [95% Piperine] — BioPerine®
    • Saffron Stigma Extract [0,4% Crocins, 0,4% Safranal] — Saffr’Activ®
    • Magnesium — Aquamin™ Mg
    • Vitamin B6 10,00 mg (714%*)

Night Mega Burner is available in the following countries: USA, Germany, France, Holland, Denmark, Norway, Italy, Poland.

How do I buy Night Mega Burner?
