Home remedies for bad breath


Halitosis is a delicate problem that affects a person’s social life and possibly indicates the presence of underlying dental and internal diseases. The difficulty in dealing with bad breath is that many people are not even aware that their breath is unpleasant, so it is important to talk not only about the causes of halitosis, but also about ways to check the freshness of your breath.

Causes of halitosis

Contributing to bad breath can be:

  • Poor oral hygiene: as a result of non-compliance with the rule about brushing teeth twice a day and, as a consequence, rotting food residues, an unpleasant smell appears.
  • Dental problems: tooth decay and its complications, diseases of the mucous membranes of the mouth and gums, poor quality dentures.
  • Diseases of the internal organs: stomach diseases, kidney and liver failure, diabetes, and systemic diseases.
  • Diseases of the mouth, nasopharynx and oropharynx: the main substrate for the formation of volatile sulfur compounds in this area is the secretions of the nasal mucosa.
  • Hormonal changes: in women, “menstrual breathing” can be observed, because during the monthly cycle, the concentration and ratio of sex hormones is reflected in the properties of saliva. It becomes less abundant and more viscous, oxygen content decreases, which leads to increased production of volatile compounds.
  • The use of certain medications causes dryness in the mouth, changing the balance of the oral microflora.
  • Smoking: this causes drying of the mucous membranes and disrupts the natural defense systems of the mouth, reducing the amount of oxygen, which contributes to the activity of anaerobes.
  • Alcohol abuse: Alcohol consumed in the form of beer, wine or stronger drinks extremely dehydrates the oral mucosa. Its defenses are reduced, and the active reproduction of anaerobic microorganisms begins.
  • Nutritional peculiarities: the use of large amounts of sugar, spicy food, the prevalence of protein products, etc. Usually “hunger breath” persists until the meal. Infrequent and scarce meals lead to insufficient salivation and thus oral halitosis.
  • Stress: Salivation decreases considerably when stressful situations are experienced. It passes after the person’s emotional distress disappears.

How to identify yourself with halitosis

You should start the fight against unpleasant odor with the identification of the problem, which you can do:

  • On your own.
  • With the help of loved ones.
  • At the dentist.

Asking others about the freshness of their breath is the best method. A trusted person should clearly name the time of day and the conditions under which the foul odor occurs to a greater extent. It is good if the partner can note what events provoke the deterioration and dynamically observe the situation during treatment.

Tests will help to detect halitosis yourself:

  • Spoon or tissue test — to test, stick out your tongue and hold it by the tip with a tissue. The very back of the tongue is wiped twice with a clean napkin or plastic spoon and after 40–45 seconds assess its odor.
  • Flossing test — clean the interdental spaces in the area of upper and lower molars with white unscented dental floss. Then after 30–40 seconds assess the smell of the floss and the coloring of the used area (yellow or red color indicates the presence of plaque and bleeding — risk factors for halitosis).
  • The hand test is a method that allows you to preliminarily assess the smell of oral fluid and plaque on your tongue. You must lick your wrist, wait 10 seconds and smell that area of skin.
  • To diagnose the presence and severity of bad breath in the clinical setting, the dentist uses organoleptic and instrumental examination, eliminates the possible cause, and if necessary, refers to a general practitioner for consultation.

Home remedies for bad breath

You can get rid of bad breath at home by paying attention to the following aspects and methods:

  • Folk remedies.
  • A balanced diet and optimal drinking habits.
  • Good and regular dental hygiene.
  • Choosing the right toothbrush and toothpaste.
  • Accessories for oral hygiene.

The advantage of using folk remedies is affordability and safety. For example, licorice root, which was first found in northern mainland China, has two valuable components: lycoridin and lycosiflavan A [3]. They effectively inhibit the growth of bacteria causing caries, periodontitis, and inflammatory diseases. Other biologically active components of licorice have antiviral effect.

In conjunction with basic treatment, it is recommended to prescribe special rinses: decoctions of celery, mint, fennel, as well as lozenges containing menthol and essential oils, to eliminate the unpleasant odor.

The disadvantage of folk remedies is not always a high degree of effectiveness, because the impact must be sufficiently strong and aimed at eliminating the specific source of the problem, rather than a local manifestation of unpleasant odor. First of all, you need to find and eliminate the cause of halitosis.

A rational diet includes not two meals a whole day, but also not overeating. A person who has competently built a diet with an optimal ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, a sufficient amount of fiber, micro- and macro-elements, will help the body to normalize salivation — there will be no or much less unpleasant odor. In addition, it is important to limit the consumption of sugary foods and monitor the amount of water per day.

It is necessary to brush your teeth, the surface of your cheeks and tongue twice a day for at least two minutes. With normal tooth sensitivity, the toothbrush should be of medium hardness, and with hypersensitivity, a soft one. When choosing toothpaste, look for toothpastes with fluoride, as this chemical is antibacterial and strengthens tooth enamel.

Gaps between teeth should be cleaned with dental floss. It is also recommended to use a special rinse after each meal.

Irrigator allows even better removal of plaque from all areas in the mouth. The device is portable and suitable for home use.

A tongue brush (scraper) is a must-have for oral care, especially if there is a problem with bad breath. There are small bristles on the working surface and convex silicone strips on the back side.

Additional oral care tips

What else you can do to manage halitosis

  • Chew sugar-free gum;
  • Visit your dentist at least twice a year;
  • Seek timely medical care for acute or chronic conditions.

Dentolan is a multi-component bioactive supplement for those who have a problem with bad breath. The product soothes the throat and voice strings. In addition, it helps in the digestive processes, increases intestinal comfort and maintains the correct pH of the gastric juice.

Dentolan is effective regardless of the cause of bad breath. The product’s rich formula will work regardless of what caused the halitosis — bacteria, stimulants, digestive problems or certain foods.

Dentolan review (reviews, how to buy)
