Fighting male pattern baldness? Expert advice on restoring hair growth


Extreme diets, even minor hormonal imbalances, medications and the simple flu affect your hair. “A high fever due to an illness after six weeks can cause a side effect,” is the unfortunate diagnosis made by experts. That said, hair loss can start as early as your 20s. The most common cause of alopecia in men is genetic male pattern baldness, while in women it is sometimes not due to obvious reasons, such as excessive tension on the hair follicles (lovers of tight bunches and ponytails, take note!).

The causes of hair loss, thinning and alopecia can vary, but today a new challenge to doctors is covid infection. The fact is that when fighting the virus, you often have to take various kinds of medications that can have a toxic effect on the body, and as a consequence, cause hair loss. That is why it is so important to know what medications you were prescribed.

The second cause of hair loss is stress. Hair follicles are sensitive to cortisol (also called the stress hormone), which is produced by the adrenal glands. Chronic diseases can worsen, and this can have a negative effect on the condition of your hair.

The best option is to apply methods of integrative medicine, i.e. to conduct a check-up (complex examination), to pass blood chemistry tests and to make diagnostics of hormonal background.

How do you know when it’s time to sound the alarm?

About 85–90% of healthy human hair is in the anagen, or active growth stage. The rest are in the resting, telogen phase. Hair stays in the anagen phase for two to four years, and then goes into the telogen phase, where it falls out and is replaced by new hairs. Losing 80–100 hairs a day is normal. It’s different when more hair follicles go into a resting phase and consequently fall out. This condition is called telogenic hair loss: the locks look weak, cannot grow more than a certain length, and lose their density.

Treatment from within

To enhance the healing process of the body, doctors can prescribe drips with antioxidants — this is a program of mitochondrial rejuvenation.

External therapy

Some of the most popular methods include: anti-inflammatory and anti-fibrotic physical therapy treatments using therapeutic lotions, serums and gels, as well as mesotherapy to improve hair quality and PRP therapy.

“However, these methods are ineffective in complicated cases. The most advanced method of regenerative medicine is the Regenera Activa procedure. It allows solving the issue of alopecia due to internal resources of the body. The apparatus processes the patient’s cells into a suspension that contains stromal cells (at least 90,000) and growth factors. The program builds healthy microcapillaries that nourish the hair follicles, resulting in improved hair quality and density from the first treatment. We can say that this is the first method that gives an effect close to a transplant, “- assures the expert.

What procedure is right for you, you can understand only after an individual consultation with the doctor.

Laser therapy

Lasers are usually associated with hair removal. However, they have been used to treat alopecia since the 1950s. Laser therapy is similar to plant photosynthesis. The main thing is that it does not cause any side effects. There are pocket devices (you can wear them under a baseball cap or scarf, for example), which must be used for 30 minutes every other day. As the inventors of this $3,000 wonder of technology promise, you will see the effect in as little as 90 days. No one prevents you from using it for the rest of your life if your hair loss is chronic and progressive.

Home Care

Scalp, like facial skin, can be dry, oily or sensitive. Professional means should prescribe a doctor. However, there are general rules. If your scalp is dry and sensitive, you need to choose a shampoo with minimal or no sulfates in the composition of sulfate, with a moisturizing effect. All components in such a tool should be aimed at restoring the hydrolipidic mantle of the skin (it’s protection). Also, pay attention that among the ingredients there are no parabens, silicones, phthalates, polymers and keratin. Dry skin needs additional care products, these are usually serums, lotions, balms with a moisturizing effect. They will enhance the shampoo action and restore the skin and the hair itself. With regard to oily skin, the excessive sebum (sebum) is often associated with an internal body condition. It is therefore important to understand whether everything is all right with the hormonal background, the immune system and the digestive organs. In addition to shampoos with sebum-regulating properties, it is necessary to exfoliate 1–2 times a week.

Folicerin is a modern shampoo against hair loss, developed for men. The cosmetic formula helps prevent baldness, thickens and strengthens new hair strands, improves scalp microcirculation, thoroughly cleanses and cares.

Folicerin is safe for the skin and mild, so it can be used daily. The shampoo’s envelope of ingredients, consisting of biopolymer particles greater than 200 nm in diameter, provides stabilization of sensitive active ingredients and increases their effectiveness. This product is innovative, which arouses great interest among men.

Alopecia is a problem that keeps many men awake at night. Take advantage of the product’s outstanding potential.


Switch to a high-protein diet. It helps reduce hair loss and also promotes the growth of new hair. Eggs are also an excellent source of protein, moreover, egg yolk contains peptides. Salmon is good for hair health as it is rich in protein, vitamin B12 and iron. Stuff spinach with salmon, leafy green vegetables contain iron, vitamins A and C and calcium. Take nuts as a snack — they are a source of alpha-linolenic acid and selenium.


Massaging the area along the hairline with nourishing oils, such as coconut or almond oils, helps stimulate circulation.


B vitamins (B1, B2, B5, B6, B12, biotin) are this group of essential vitamins, especially if you want to achieve thick and dense hair. Vitamin D is also useful for strengthening your curls. Keep in mind that you shouldn’t overdo it either — overdoing it can be dangerous. This applies primarily to zinc (it can affect hormone levels, so do not take vitamins lightly). Remember: before taking it, you need an individual consultation with your doctor.
