Cholesterol treatment ayurvedic

How can Ayurveda help lower blood cholesterol?

High cholesterol can be harmful in the long run. Also known as hypercholesterolemia, it is one of the leading causes of cardiovascular disease, including heart attack and stroke. And you ask, is there an Ayurvedic cure for cholesterol? Of course there is.

Yes, our bodies need cholesterol, but in optimal amounts. With our lifestyle and eating habits, abnormally high levels of bad cholesterol can really take a toll on our blood vessels and overall heart health, so it’s critical to get the situation under control as soon as possible.

If you have had a test related to your lipid profile and find that your bad cholesterol levels are out of the specified limits, your doctor may prescribe medication. In addition, instructions will be given from him or her to follow a heart-friendly diet and to take a form of physical activity. Making the necessary lifestyle changes will certainly help you.

But did you know that Ayurveda has certain herbs and formulations that can also help lower your cholesterol in the most natural way? These herbs have minimal side effects. So are safe to use. Some tips and home remedies you can follow to lower your cholesterol:

Dietary changes

You need to avoid fried and fatty foods and increase your intake of dietary fiber. You can take them in the form of fruits, beans, fruit, flax, oats, etc. Eating more plant foods will also help lower your cholesterol levels. You should also avoid saturated fats such as lard, butter, hard cheeses, cream, ice cream, beef, pork, poultry, palm oil and coconut oil.

Weight Management

You may notice that overweight people are much more likely to accumulate bad cholesterol in their bodies. Losing even a few pounds, i.e. 5–10% of your weight, will greatly improve your condition. Cholesterol levels will go down in the blood with weight loss.

Increase the level of physical activity

Exercise or any form of physical activity will help lower your LDL (bad) cholesterol and increase your HDL (good) cholesterol levels in the blood.

Eliminate processed foods and sugar

Consuming processed foods, junk food and added sugar has been linked to an increased risk of heart disease and related risk factors, such as high LDL (bad) cholesterol. You will have to make the necessary changes in your diet and eat freshly cooked, home-cooked foods with less processed oils.

Ayurveda’s view of high cholesterol

In Ayurveda, an imbalance of cholesterol arises from an imbalance in the processes of digestion, assimilation and excretion. Cholesterol production does not have to be reduced, but it does need to be balanced. It is said that when the digestive process is balanced, the body produces the optimal amount of cholesterol that the body needs.

In addition, we cannot ignore the role of the liver in cholesterol management because the liver not only produces cholesterol, but it is also part of the digestive system.

The liver does a major check on toxins before they enter the bloodstream. It should be noted that if the liver is overloaded with Toxins (Ama), the 13 digestive fires (Agni) are also impaired.

Mixing ama with adipose tissue is the main cause of unbalanced cholesterol levels, and imbalanced liver function leads to poor quality and purity of adipose tissue.

Some herbs are potentially effective in balancing the doshas.

Herbs such as guggul and arjuna are commonly used. Other herbs that have shown significant benefit are turmeric, ginger, mumijo, licorice, pushkarmul (brush elecampane), punarnava, triphala, haritaki, amalaki, bibhitaki, and ashwagandha.

One of the best Ayurvedic remedies for cholesterol is Lipid Control Plus.

It is designed to maintain normal cholesterol levels, and if it is elevated, to lower and normalize it. It contains only medicinal plants that are approved by Ayurveda.

It is a proven and unique formula that removes cholesterol and harmful fats from the body by increasing their absorption by the liver.

Lipid Control Plus stimulates blood circulation and normalizes blood pressure and has a beneficial effect on the immune system.

Lipid Control Plus is designed to cleanse the liver, helps with high cholesterol. It removes toxins, supports liver health and helps with liver related problems.

It is an effective Ayurvedic formula that supports cholesterol levels, lowers triglycerides, increases HDL (high density lipids) and lowers LDL (very low density lipids) and LDL (low density lipids).

Lipid Control Plus Review (reviews, how to buy)

To summarize

Sometimes controlling cholesterol can be difficult, but it can easily be accomplished with diet and lifestyle changes. Regular monitoring and checkups are also important. There are also Ayurvedic herbs that can help you manage your LDL levels. These herbs have minimal or no side effects, but it is recommended that you consult with your doctor to get the maximum health benefits.

Stay healthy!
